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    On January 18 at 11:00 there in the Exhibition hall of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the panel “Within the orbit of Murat Auezov – the Personality in culture” dedicated to the 70-th birthday of the prominent scientist-cultural study specialist, diplomat, honoured figure of Kazakhstan, the holder of the orders “Kurmet”, “Parasat” Murat Mukhtarovich Auezov.

   Murat Mukhtarovich Auezov is the prominent scientist-cultural study specialist, diplomat, honoured figure of Kazakhstan, the state and public figure, he has the diplomatic degree of the Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of science (philology), the holder of the orders “Kurmet”, “Parasat”, the winner of “Tarlan” prize (2003), “Altyn zhurek” prize (2004), “Altyn asyk” (2004), “Altyn adam” (2006), member of the creative Unions of writers, cinematographers, Pen-club of Kazakhstan, the National Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Public Council of the “Cultural heritage” State programme, the National commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan on UNESCO affairs.

    M.M. Auezov was born in 1943 in Merke village of the Zhambyl region. In 1959-1965 he studies at the Institute of Oriental languages of the Moscow state university at the department of Chinese philology, he defended the candidate dissertation on the theory of literature at the Institute of world languages of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, philologist-Oriental study specialist. In 1975 he worked as senior scientific worker at the Institute of philosophy and law of the AS of Kazakhstan, was the head of the collective monograph “The aesthetics of the nomad camp”. In 1981-1987 he worked as chief editor at the cinema-studio “Kazakhfilm” after Sh.Aimanov, in 1988-1990 he headed the section of artistic translation and international literary relations at the Writers’ union of Kazakhstan. In 1990 he was elected people,s deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR , was a member of the Committee on national policy, development of culture and language, chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan on external relations and interparliamentary relations. at the end of the 1990-s was the artistic head of the tele-radio-company “Mir” in Kazakhstan. In 1992 among the first ambassadors of independent Kazakhstan was appointed ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People’s Republic of China (1992-1996). In 1998 was appointed as the head of the Almaty regional Department of information and public concord, in 1999 – as President of the foundation “Soros-Kazakhstan”.

   In 2003-2006 – Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from 2006- President of the Public foundation “The foundation of Mukhtar Auezov”.

    M.M.Auezov is the author of more than 300 publications on the theory and practice of the artistic process. He is the author of the monographs: “The times’ linking thread”, “Hippokrene. The walkings to the wells of time” and “To leave to return”.  Chairman of the section of cultural-study specialists and the editorial collegiate of the 10-volume edition of the series “The world cultural-study thought”, member of the collective editorial collegiate of the encyclopaedic reference work “Kazak madeniety”.

   There at the activity the word of greeting was delivered by Director-General of the National library of the RK G.Balabekova and she gave as a gist the photo-album dedicated to the period of activity of Murat Auezov at the National library of the RK. The moderator of the panel was the well-known poet, choreographer-libretto writer, scenario writer Dyuisenbek Nakipov.

   There at the panel the speakers: S.Djansugurov, K.Begalin, S.Narymbetov, E.Amanshayev, T.Temenov, S.Azimov, A.Kim, S.Elubai, S.Kuttykadam, A.Zhaksylykov, A.Kodar, G.Abikenova, D.Konayev, E.Ulugbek, S.Abdulloh, Zh.Mustafina, U.Kalizhan, A.Artsishevskiy, E.Dzhilkibayev, U.Tazhikenova, G.Telebayev, R.Bapov, D.Amantai, K.Zhorabayev, S.Ananyeva and others noted the huge contribution of Murat Auezov into the development of Kazakh cinema, librarianship and literary studies, expressed their opinions about the significance and role of his public activity.

   There to the activity was timed the book-illustrative exhibition from the fond of the National library of the RK “Madeniyet serisy” dedicated to the life and activity of Murat Auezov. There at the book exhibition are presented the monographs, diaries, articles of M.Auezov published in different years and literature about him.

   There in the work of the panel participated the well-known public figures, literary-study specialists, students from the instyitutes, librarians of Almaty city and the Almaty region Ili district, readers and representatives of mass-media.


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