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    On January 30 at 11:00 hours there at the Exhibition hall of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took aplce the presentation of the animation collection published by the motives of the Kazakh fairy tales, organized by the Department for development of languages, archives and documentation of Almaty city in accordance with the State programme of development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

    The purpose of the activity is the presentation of the cartoon collection produced by the state order and modern technologies; the provision with the product of the state pre-school establishments as the study-methodological manual dedicated to the study of the Kazakh language.

    The cartoon collection created by the motives of the Kazakh fairy-tales and consisting of 40 series is produced through the animation educational project “The Kazakh language for children”.

    This project is based on the ways of perception of the fairy-tales – the invaluable heritage of the popular oral creative activity and is directed upon the studying of the Kazakh language.

   The staged animations that correspond to the age peculiarities of chldren, raise their interests to the stydying of the language, and develop their memory. The children through their hearing, vision, repetition learn how to rightly pronounce words. The animated collection created in the 3D-format will be conducive to the development of children’s interest towards the study of languages, it will exert great influence upon the heightening of capabilities. There into the collection are included: the cartoon “Aldar Kosenyn konildy okigalary” consisting of 85 series, 50 fairy-tales in the form of the slide-show “Bizdy korshagan alem” created by the motives of the fairy-tales of the peoples of the world, the Russian-Kazakh illustrated audio-dictionary, consisting of 1000 words.

  The purpose for the publication of the animated collection – the formation of the Kazakh-lingual environment in children’s pre-school establishments, the widening of the sphere of use of the Kazakh language in the communicative-lingual space, the improvement of quality of studying the Kazakh language by children of the representatives of the ethnic minorities through the effective use of modern technologies, the development of skills for the studying of languages.

   Also there by the order of the department has been published the interactive study-methodlogical complex “Sikyrly kalam”. This is the innovational means which is introduced in our republic for the first time and is designed for the study of the language by children of pre-school age. Tere with the complex “Sikyrly kalam” the pupils have the possibility to simultaneously read and listen. The innovatioonal complex dedicated to the study of the Kazakh and English languages, has been presented for the first time to state kindergartens of Almaty city. The children who studied the Kazakh and English languages by the interactive complex, will easily assimilate the linguistic peculiarities of the alnguages, will easily learn to rightly stress the words. The children will be taught to divide words into syllables, to distinguish colours, to memorize new words, will replenish the vocabulary of the pupils with new words of various meanings, will teach the children to compose short sentencies, stories. This innovational complex can be connected to any TV-set or a personal computer, thanks to which there appears the feeling of watching a cognitive, interesting TV-programme.

   The moderator at the presentation was the prorector of the International university of informational technologies Mairash Taikenova.  There at the presentation spoke: the head of the Dep[artment for the development of languages, archives and documentation Mamai Akhetov,  the writer, general director of “Zhas Orken” company Ltd. Zhusipbek Korgasbek, the actor of the Kazakh state academic theatre of drama after M.Auezov Bekzhan Turys, the dean of the Republican institute for qualification upgrading “Orleu” Zaure Edenbayeva, the author of the project, producer Igor Kraus, the head of the project Artur Kraus.

    The speakers noted the modern development of the Kazakh animation, the significance of the animation collection in the development of children’s interests towards the studying of the Kazakh language3s, in the formation of the Kazakh-lingual environment in the children’s pre-school establishments and the widening of the sphere of use of the Kazakh language.

   There in the activity participated the specialists of the district department of education, the heads and workers of the children’s pre-school establishments, the teachers-methodologists, the workers of the publishing houses “Akzhelken”, “Baldyrgan”, “ULan”, “Druzhnuye rebyata”, the cinema-studio “Kazak-film”, the representatives of the public organizations and mass-media.



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