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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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   There in the reading hall of “Kazakhstan kitaptary” department is organized a large book exhibition by the theme “Bakyttyn kilty - enbekte” timed to the Programme of the President of the RK N.A.Nazarbayev “The social modernization of Kazakhstan: twenty steps towards the Society of Universal Labour”.

   There at the exhibition ar4e presented more than 170 editions in Kazak and Russian from the fond of the National library of the RK. The exhibition consists of seven parts:

   In the first part “Memleket zhane kukyk: khalkymyzdyn aleumettik damudyn zhana bagyttary” there are presented: the ligislative documents of the RK, the materialsabout the main trends of formation of civil society, the tendencies of development of labour law and social protection, other normative documents.

   In the second part “Zhalpyga ortak enbek kogamynyn kelbety” there are presented materials dedicated to the economic and innovational-technological aspects of development, the development of energetics of the country, the modern state and prospects of development of industry and other spheres of national economy. There is presented literature about separate important technical specialities.

   In the next part “Gylymdagy yuderister” there is highlighted the economic nature of the innovations, their role in the backing of competitiveness in the conditions of techno-globalism. A special accent is made upon management and scientific achievements. There is presented literature about known Kazakhstani scientists who contributed notably into the development of science.

  In the fourth part “Zhastarga kamkorlyk – kemel keleshek kepili” there are exposed the works of the Republican conference of young scientists dedicated to the theoretical issues in natural and social sciences, the role of youth in the development of civil society and economy of the republic on the whole.

  The fifth part “Madeniyettyn dengeyi – ulttyn ustyny”  includes materials about the art and culture of Kazakhstan at the modern stage of development, the innovational phenomena, the new tendencies in the perfection of library work and cultural sphere.

   The sixth part is “Salauatty omir salty”. The most important indicator about the development of any state is the health of the people. The given part includes materials about the activities for the formation of the healthy way of life, including the popularization of the culture of healthy food eating, the sports-salubrious programmes etc.

   The seventh part “Tabigi resurstar zhane ekologiya” presents literature about the ecological problems of Kazakhstan: the sources of pollution of environment, the Aral Sea crisis, the Semipalatinsk nuclear test polygonthe problem aspects of the legal status, the regime of the Caspian Sea and provision of its security. There are also disclosed the issues pertaining to working the mines and excavation of natural resources: the organic and inorganic ones, the fuel-energetic ones, climatic, water resour4ces etc.

   The exhibition will be functioning  and will be replenished during the whole year!


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