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    A book-exhibition  “Radga  yoga- Swami Vivekananda”, is dedicated  to  the  150-th birthday of the well- known  Indian philosopher-humanist,  the  religious  reformer  and public figure has been  organized  in the Department  of World  literature.

    Swami  Vivecananda  (his pseudonym, the real  name is Narendranatkh Datta) is  the outstanding  Indian philosopher  and  public figure,  was born on  the  12-th of January in 1863 in the borough  of Simla in Calcutta (West Bengal). “Vivecananda” is translated into Russian as “Light of reason.”

    Even in his childhood  he showed  educated  mind  and acute memory.  Going to school, he showed good results  in studies, also in various games.  He  organized  an  amateur  drama studio and  gymnastic  club, took  lessons  in swordplay, went  in for wrestling,  rowing  and other  sports. He studied  vocal and instrumental  music.

    He was a leader among his friends. He questioned the validity of superstitious customs  and discrimination, based on caste distinctions and religion.

    In 1879 Hapendra entered to the Presidency college in Calcutta to continue his studies. Having done there a year, moved to Scottish Church College, where he studied  Philosophy. During the year he learned Logic, Western Philosophy and European History.  In 1893 he went to the USA, Great Britain, Japan  to promote vedanta.  In  1897 founded  the  religious reform society ”Ramakrishna’s  Mission”. He was the biggest representative of yoga.

   Vivekananda is the ideologist  of Indian Renaissance, expressed aspiration of India to the national independence  and  social prosperity. He spoke against oppression, racism and expansionist tendencies. He saw the reason of the country’s  colonial status in loss  of its national individuality. The social function, of the propagandizing  Vivekananda’s “universal “  reformed religion is to help the needy and hungry. Democratic  content  of  the Vivekananda’s  preaching  contributed to the liberation movement in India. Swami  died on the 4 of July in 1902 in Belursk monastery close to Calcutta.

     His major works: “Janana-yoga”, “ Yog Patandgaly’s  aphorisms,” “Karma-yoga”, “Bkhakti-yoga,”  “Practical Vedanta”, “Kreya-yoga”, ‘Radga-yoga,” Wisdom of yoga”, “Budda’s mission “, “Heart of yoga”, “My teacher”, “Life and Legacy”.

    On the book-exhibition are submitted Vivekananda’s works  and literature about him in Russian, English and  Kazakh  from  fond of the National library of the RK: “The inspired talks”, “Budda’s  mission to the World”, “My life and mission”, “Karma-yoga”, “My teacher”,  “Yog’s  philosophy”, “World parliament of Religions”.  

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