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   There in the department “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition Altyn kazynany zhinaktaushy kalamger” dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the scientist-ethnographer, researcher of Kazakh folklore Tynyshbek Dairabai.

   Tynyshbek Dairabai was born in 1943 in the village Zhanatalap of the Kyzylorda region. In 1969 he graduated from the faculty of journalistic of the Kazakh state university.

   In 1969-1974 he is the head of department of the district newspaper “Enbek tuy” of the Kyzylorda region, in 1974-1976 – secretary of the Karaozek party committee, in 1979-1985 – head of department of the Terenozek district party committee, in 1985 – deputy district akim. From 1995 he works in the international newspaper “Turkistan”.

   T.Dairabai is the collector of folklore specimens, he collected the works of zhyraus, biis, orators and batyrs of the Syrdarya district of the Kyzylorda region. The articles of Tynyshbek Dairabai are based upon the oral folk creative activity, narrations, archival documents, rare manuscripts which give valuable information about the historical personalities, akyn-zhyraus, public figures of the XVIII-XIX-th cc.

   The book “Syrdyn syrly syry” has the historical significance which has the chapters “Pyrler men akhundar”, “Batyrlar men biler khakynda”, “Ar zhyldardan yuzik syr”.

   The work “Zhalagash zheri – zhyr keny” narrates about the singers-narrators, who lived in the XVIII-XIX-th cc. near the Syrdarya river, about the well-known people of art, state figures of our times.

   In 1999 there by the initiative of T.Dairabai from St-Petersburg was brought the album “Turkistan” and in 2005 it was published anew as a separate collection.

   In 2012 there was published his book named “Biyler sozi - kiyeli” as a co-author with the candidate of science (law) M.Akhmetov. The work includes the stories about Aiteke, Dosbol, Balabi, Torgai, Basykara, Ketebai and other biys, about their rule, wise sayings for the people.

   There are included into the book the images of ancient mausoleums, the clan seals of the biys.

   Tynyshbek Dairabai is an Honorary professor of the Kyzylorda state university after Korkyt Ata, Honorary academician of the Academy of social sciences, Honorary citizen of the districts Karmakshy and Zhalagash of the Kyzylorda region. He is awarded the Honorary certificate of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan, he has the honorary title “KR Madeniyet kairatkeri”.

   In 2012 for the considerable contribution into the cultural development of the country T.Dairabai was awarded with the “Kurmet” order.

   There at the book exhibition are presented materials about the life and labour activity, the research works of Tynyshbek Dairabai: “Kanly Zhyusip” (1994); “Kete Shomekei shezhiresy” (1995); “Tugyrly tulga” (1998); “Korkyt Ata”  encyclopaediyasy (1999); “Kete Zhyusip” (2003); “Syrdyn syrly syry” (2005); “Zhalagash zheri – zhyr keni” (2008); “Syr perzenttery” (2010); “Biyler sozi kiyeli” (2012) and others.

   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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