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   The Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan was formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 1, 1995 as the consultative-council organ. On October 20, 2008 the President of the country signed the Law “About the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan”.

   There to the functions of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan belong: the cultural-enlightenment one – the revival and propagation of national cultures, languages, traditions;the upbringing one – the formation of Kazakhstani and national patriotism; the communicative one – the strengthening of inter-national unity on the basis of monitoring of inter-ethnical relations; the consultative-council one – the elaboration of recommendations and proposals for the carrying out of the state policy which are conducive to the development of friendly relations between the representatives of the nationalities living in Kazakhstan.

   Today in the republic there are created all the necessary conditions for the development of culture, language, traditions of the ethnoses of Kazakhstan. Annually there are published several tens of new books in the national languages, traditional have become the mass folk holidays: Nauryz, May 1- the Holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan, Shrovetide etc.

   There at the exhibition are presented the materials from the fond of the National library of the RK and the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city, reflecting the history of separate nationalities of our state, through the prism of the literary heritage readers can address this or that cultural-historical memory, national spirit and unity of the people of Kazakhstan.


   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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