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    There in the foyer of the National library of the RK is organized a large-scale book-illustrative exhibition named “Yntymaktastyk zhane orleu zholy” – “The way of cooperation and progress”.

    There at the exhibition are presented more than 2000 editions in the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages from the fond of the National library of the RK. The exhibition consists of 6 thematic parts reflecting the main stages of development of modern Kazakhstan.

    The first part “My Kazakhstan” contains albums on the history of establishment of the state independence, about the modern development of the country. The sub-division “Astana – EXPO 2017” is dedicated to the history of the world exhibition, which is an open site for the demonstration of new technical and technological achievements of mankind, the theme of EXPO 2017 in Kazakhstan being – “The energy of the future”. On the following stands there are proposed materials about the international, diplomatic and integration processes of Kazakhstan in the world community.

    The second part “The year 2013 – the year of France in Kazakhstan” is dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of the mutual relations of Kazakhstan and France, and there are presented editions about the cultural links and mutual projects of the two countries. One can become acquainted with the editions in the French languages of Kazakhstani writers and of French writers in the Kazakh language.

    The third part “The new Silk way” presents the books about the history and revival of «The Great Silk way” and its modern image proposed by the President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev. the materials about effective use of the transit potential of our country for the development of international transportation corridors in the Central-Asian region.

    The fourth part “Culture and sport” is presented with editions for the propagation of the healthy way of life, the development of culture and art in Kazakhstan, and also about the victors of the Olympic games and the well-known cultural figures of the country.

    The fifth part is dedicated to the year of ecological culture and protection of environment announced in 2013 by the Interstate foundation of humanitarian cooperation of the state-participants of the CIS. In the part of the exhibition named “2013 – the year of development of ecological culture” there are presented materials on the ecology and natural resources of Kazakhstan, about the main ecological problems and development of ecological culture in the countries of the CIS.

    The part “The strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”: the new political direction of the stable state” dedicated to the address of N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan and the Strategy of development “Kazakhstan - 2050”, there are disclosed the main trends of political and economic development of the nation, about the entry of Kazakhstan among the thirty most advanced states of the planet. A special place at the exhibition is occupied by the activity of the Assembly of the peoples of Kazakhstan. There is widely presented the Kazakhstani experience in the achievement and strengthening of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional agreement.


    We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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