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    On February 21 at 15:00 hours there in the Great hall of the library will take place the memory evening dedicated to the centenary of the composer, people’s artist of the USSR, honored figure of arts of the KazSSR, the winner of the State prize of the USSR Mukan Tulebayev.

    The activity is held within the framework of the art-club “Inzhu-Marzhan”.

    Mukan Tulebayev (1913-1960) is a composer, people’s artist of the USSR, honored figure of arts of the KazSSR, the winner of the State prize of the USSR.

    He was born in the village Karashagyn of the Borlitobinsk district of the Almaty region.

    He studied at the Almaty pedagogical school (1933), at the Kazakh opera studio at the Moscow conservatoire (1938-1941). In 1941-1945 he took lessons from the composer, the people’s artist of Kazakhstan E.G.Brusilovskiy. In 1951 he graduated from the Moscow conservatoire by the class of composition under the professors N.Ya.Mayakovskiy and B.G.Fere.

   M.Tulebayev is one of the outstanding masters of Kazakh music, a bright national composer. He is the author of the opera “Amangeldy” (together with E.G.Brusilovskiy), the music of the State anthem of the KazSSR (together with E.G.Brusilovskiy and L.A.Khamidi). A valuable contribution to the Kazakh opera music was his opera “Birzhan and Sara”. He created the orchestral and chamber works, more than 50 songs and romances, he wrote the music to the plays and films, and also arranged the folk songs.

   The moderator of the evening will be the well-known writer, the holder of the orders of the RK “Kurmet” and “Parasat” Beksultan Nurzhekeyev.

   There within the framework of the activity is organized the book-illustrative exhibition named “Kazak muzykasynyn baiteregi” about the life and creative activity of M.Tulebayev.

    There at the evening will perform the artists of the State academic theatre of opera and ballet after Abai and the students of the Kazakh national conservatoire after Kurmangazy.

    There to the activity are invited the children of Mukan Tulebayev, the figures of art, the students and readers.


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