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ATTENTION! ATTENTION! There at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan is provided the charge-free access to the Internet via the Wi-Fi wireless linking technology.


The data-base  The archives of important publications is gathered manually. The data-base with the rubricator includes the following: 26 branches/ 600 sources/ 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation/ 235 countries and territories/ the main materials/ articles and interviews of 3000 first persons. Every day  a thousand news, the full text in the Russian language, a million of best topics from the information agencies and business press for the past 15 years. The full access till March 15, 2014.

The data-base The effective search and professional analysis of information. The archives of mass-media from 1990 to 2013.

The base of mass-media. The online access to the base of mass-media, the catalogue of mass-media, the archives of mass-media beginning from 1990, all the print mass-media of Russia and the CIS.

The monitoring of mass-media. The selected publications, the monitoring of the press, the monitoring of the social networks, media-monitoring, press-clipping, the rating of mass-media, the monitoring of the television and radio air, transcripts of TV and radio-programmes. Monitoring.

The analysis of mass-media. The media-analysis, the analytical reviews of the press, the ratings of quotability, the estimate of pr-effectiveness, media-audit, the monitoring of the brand, the monitoring of competitors, media-activity, the competitive reconnaissance. The access is till December 13, 2013.

The data-base  “Lan”.  The electronic-library system. The presented electronic-library system is the resource which includes in itself the electronic versions of the books by the publishing house “Lan” and other leading publishing houses of study literature as well as the electronic versions of the periodical editions in the natural, technical and humanitarian sciences.    

The Electronic library of dissertations of the Russian state library contains more than 700 000 full texts of dissertations and abstracts of theses. Access to the Electronic library of dissertations of the Russian state library is given in the Dissertations’ department on the 2nd floor.

the Data-base “Etalon” contains the normative-technical documentation adopted on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the former USSR, the CIS etc., and namely the norms, rules, standards (SniP, GOST, GOSO RK, ETKS etc.), directions, recommendations, manuals, guides. And also the accompanying normative-legal acts of Kazakhstan (the Constitution, the codes and laws).

the information system “PARAGRAF” is the reference system which united in itself several information blocks – from the specific ones for lawyers, accountants and medics to reference information. At the National library there is a complex of legal information. It contains the texts of normative legal rights, normative-technical documentation, commentaries to the legislation, the decisions of the Supreme Court, the reviews of  legal practice and many other information.

Access to the “Etalon” and “PARAGRAF” data-bases is given at the Department of reference-bibliographical and information work on the 2-nd floor.

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