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   Zhabaikhan Mubarakuly Abdildin was born in 1933 in the village Maityubek of the Maiskiy district of the Pavlodar region. In 1954 he graduated from the faculty of philosophy of the Kazakh state university after S.M.Kirov.

   In 1958 Zhabaikhan Mubarakuly entered the post-graduate course of the Moscow state university after M.V.Lomonosov, where under the guidance of professor E.P.Sitkovskiy he defended the dissertation work by the theme “The gnoceological role of the concrete notion”. In 1968 he defended the doctoral dissertation in the Institute of philosophy of the Academy of sciences of the USSR.

   Zh.M. Abdildin begins his labour activity in 1958 at the Institute of philosophy and law of the Academy of sciences of the KazSSR, in succession passing all the stages of scientific career: from the junior scientific worker to the director of the Institute.

   In 1984-1986 he is the academician-secretary of the Affiliate of social sciences of the Academy of sciences of the KazSSR. In 1986-1995 he is vice-president of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the editorial collegiate of the journal “The herald of the AS of the RK”, chairman of the editorial-publishing council of the AS of the RK. In 1994 – deputy of the Parliament of the RK, in 1995 – senator, chairman of the Committee on international affairs, defence and security. In 1998-2007 – chairman of the Commission on human rights under the President of the RK. Beginning from 2007 – professor of the Eurasian national university after L.N.Gumilev.

   The researches of Zh.Abdildin have the quality of inner integrity which is determines the peculiarities of his creative uniqueness as a certain alloy of logic and history, of history and modern times, of theory and practice. He is the founder of the Kazakhstani school of philosophers on the theory of dialectics and dialectical logic. He is the author of more than 300 scientific works, including 25 monographs. Under his leadership there were prepared 15 doctors and more than 30 candidates of science.

   The name of Zh.M.Abdildin as a big scientist-philosopher is well-known beyond the boundaries of Kazakhstan. As a speaker he participated in the work of the world philosophic congresses, made scientific reports and presented informations at the international scientific conferences by different problems in philosophy, and also dedicated to the creative activity of the outstanding thinkers: Al-Farabi (Alma-Ata, 1975); David Anakht (Yerevan, 1980); Ibn-Sina (Dushanbe-Bukhara, 1980); Ch.Ch.Ualikhanov (Moscow- Alma-Ata, 1985); M.O.Auezov (Alma-Ata, 1988); Akhmet Yassaui (Turkestan, 1990); Alisher Navoi (Tashkent, 1991); At the first World congress of Kazakhs (Alma-Ata, 1992) and others.

   Academician Zh.Abdildin made his contribution in the rehabilitation of the public figures who had undergone the repressions – Sh.Khudaiberdiyev, M.Zhumabayev, Zh.Aimauytov, A.Baitursynov, M. Dulatov and other representatives of science and culture of Kazakhstan, heading the Commission for the study of their creative legacy, and also the Commission for the study of documents accepted in the 30-s, 40-s and 50-s on the issues of history, literature and art.

   The outstanding merits of Zh.Abdildin in the scientific and socio-political activity of the country were marked by the state prizes: he is the winner of the State prize of the KazSSR in the sphere of science and technology, of the Presidential prize for peace and spiritual concord, of the Prize after Ch.Ch.Ualikhanov, he was awarded by the orders “Barys” of the II-nd degree, of the Labour Red Banner and “Badge of Honour”, by the Honorary certificates of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RK and by other international prizes and medals.

   There at the book exhibition are presented the materials about the life and activity of Zh.M.Abdildin and his scientific works: “The problems of logic and the dialectics of cognition” (1963), “The dialectic-logical principles for the theory-building” (1973), “The dialectics of Kant” (1974), “What is thinking?” (1976), “The dialectics of activity of the subject in scientific cognition” (1977), “The Lenin’s principle of concrete analysis of public phenomena” (1977), “Freedom as creative activity” (1983), The collection of works in five (2001) and in ten volumes (2012), “Oi aleminen soz” (2002), “Time and culture” (2003), “The logic of concrete notion” (2005), “The history of philosophy” (2010), “The philosophy and logic of Hegel” (2011), and also scientific articles of the academician published in different years in the Kazakhstani periodical editions.

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