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    On March 15, 2013 there at 11:00 hours in the reading-hall of “Kazakstan kitaptary” department took place the creative meeting between the well-known scientist-ethnographer, researcher of Kazakh folklore Tynyshbek Dairabai and young readers.

     The activity was carried out in accordance with the Programme of the President of the RK N.A.Nazarbayev “The social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty steps towards the Society of Universal Labour”, the Address to the people of Kazakhstan “The Strategy ”Kazakhstan - 2050”: the new political course of the state come true” and timed to the 70-th birthday of the scientist Tynyshbek Dairabai.

     The purpose of the evening – the upbringing within Kazakhstani youth of the feeling of patriotism, revival of interest in reading and the improvement of the level of knowledge, and also the acquaintance of young readers with the creative activity of the modern Kazakh writers and scientists. The given activity opens up the cycle of creative meetings in future.

    The words of greeting and congratulations were delivered by deputy Director-General of the National library of the RK YUsupova A.Kh., head of “Kazakstan kitaptary” department Zharknalova M.B. and there was carried out the bibliographical review of the book exhibition “Altyn kazynany zhinaktaushy kalamger”.

    T.Dairabai told the audience about his creative activity and researches, about the works of the prominent biis, batyrs, akyns-zhyrau who lived on the territory of the Kyzylorda region. All of his articles are based upon archival documents, rare manuscripts. The students of the institutes dedicated their verses to the jubilee. The evening passed in the warm and friendly dialogue atmosphere.

    There at the activity were present the pupils of institutes of Almaty city, librarians and readers of the National library of the RK.


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