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    On April 3, 2013 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibition hall took place the presentation of the book of the honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientist and publicist N.R.Zhotabayev “The last autumn of the Union parliament”

   The moderator of the presentation was the director of the Scientific-research institute on financial-banking management, doctor of science (economics), academician of the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Baimuratov Uraz Baimuratovich.

   There in the book is highlighted the most difficult period in the history of the Soviet Union, which led to the disintegration of the great power, the activity of the last Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

   On the basis of the materials of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviets of the union republics, the documents of the executive branch of power, and also his own book “Some sketches of parliamentary activity” (Almaty, 1993), the author narrates the historical fundamental events of 1990-1991 of the last century, discloses the situation pertaining to the Union Agreement, the all-national referendum and the consequencies of the GKChP, highlights in detail the activity of the reformed Supreme Soviet of the USSR, its higher chamber – the Soviet of the Republics, the work of  the Committee on the inter-republican relations, paying serious attention to the problems of inter-national relations.

   The author of the book, honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.R.Zhotabayev, being a people’s deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the KazSSR of the 12-th convocation, was delegated to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, worked as deputy Chairman of the Committee on inter-republican relations of the Soviet of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

   The book is of great interest to a wide circle of readers, researchers, social-studies specialists, state servants, workers of science and study establishments.

   There at the presentation spoke: the academician of the NAS of the RK, doctor of science (law), professor Sartayev Sultan Sartayevich, poet, 1-st secretary of the Writers’ union of Kazakhstan, the winner of the State prize of the RK Orazalin Nurlan Myrzakasymovich, doctor of science (history), professor Kasenov Bolatbek Kasenovich, historian-ethnographer Sembin Marat Katayevich, chief scientific worker of the Institute of philosophy, politology and religion study of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK, doctor of science (philosophy), professor Kadirzhanov Rustem Kazakbayevich, head of the chair of political studies of the faculty of philosophy and political studies of the Kazakh National university after al-Farabi, doctor of science (politics), professor Nasimova Gulnara Orlenbayevna, doctor of science (philosophy), professor of the chair of philosophy of the Kazakh National university after al-Farabi Musatayev Seilbek Shayakhmetovich, candidate of science (history) Tulenova Zira. The speakers noted the significance of the works of the scientist and publicist N.R.Zhotabayev.

   There within the framework of the activity was organized the book-illustrativeexhibition about the life and creative activity of the scientist “Nigmet Rakhmetovich Zhotabayev”.

   There at the presentation the books of the author were donated to the National library of the RK, the libraries of Almaty city and the participants.

   There in the presentation participated the public figures, well-known writers, students of higher educational establishments, librarians of Almaty city, representatives of mass-media.


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