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   On April 10, 2013 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibition hall took place the panel dedicated to the discussion of the book “Kazaktyn Kazhymukany”, the compiler of which is the honorary journalist of Kazakhstan Gazizbek Tashimbai. The book narrates about the great son of the Kazakh steppe, the first and many times champion of the world in Grecian-Roman wrestling among the Kazakh wrestlers Mukan Munaitpasov by the nickname of Kazhymukan.

   The panel is timed to the 75-th jubilee of the member of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan, the honorary journalist of Kazakhstan Gazizbek Tashimbai.

   The moderator of the panel was the well-known researcher, director of the Public foundation after M.Kh.Dulati Mukhtar Kazbekov.

   There into the book entered the recollections of the contemporaries of the Kazakh wrestler who were the witnesses of his multiple feats on the carpet in different countries of the world, the researches of scientists-historians, the verses of the poets dedicated to this truly legendary man.

   There at the panel spoke the well-known writers S.Kalievich, S.Ospanov, Sh.Sariyev, T.Zhanayev, S.Smatayev and other academicians, journalists. The speakers noted the importance of the book of Gazizbek Tashimbai “Kazaktyn Kazhymukany” and expressed their opinions about the books and creative activity of the journalist.

   There within the framework of the activity was organized the book-illustrative exhibition about the life and creative activity of the writer named “Gazizbek Tashimbai”.

   There in the presentation participated the well-known writers, poets and scientists, sportsmen, students of higher educational establishments, representatives of the mass-media and readers of the library.


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