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   There in the hall for scientific workers of the department “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 90-th birthday of the scientist-philologist, doctor of science (philology), honored figure of science of Kazakhstan Kalybayeva (Khasenova) Akkal. 


Kalybayeva (Khasenova) Akkal was born on April 17, 1923 in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan. In 1945 she graduated from the faculty of philology of the Kazakh pedagogical institute. She began her labour activity as teacher in the same institute.

   In 1949 under the leadership of professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR M.Balakayev she defended the candidate dissertation by the theme “Kazak tilindegy etis kategoriyasy” and in 1963 – the doctoral dissertation by the theme “Kazak tilindegy etistikty negizder”.

   In 1952-1961 – deputy director, head of department  of the Institute of language and literature of the Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR, in 1961-1983 – head of department, senior scientific worker of the Institute of linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR.

   The scientific works of A.Kalybayeva were dedicated to the investigation of the category of verb, morphemes, word-formation in the Kazakh language.

   A.Kalybayeva is one of the representatives of scientific intelligentsia who from the first days of her creative activity actively participated in the creation of textbooks and programmes for the school. The scientist was interested not only in the issues of grammar, orphography, terminology but also in issues of linguistic culture, the language of fiction, stylistics and problems of development of the Kazakh literary language.

   The first monograph “Kazak tilindegy etis kategoriyasy” was published in 1951. A.Kalybayeva rendered assistance in the publication of the books “The great Russian-Kazakh dictionary”, “The modern Kazakh language”, “Kazak tilinyn grammatikasy”, “Kazak tilinyn emle sozdigy”, “Kazak tilinyn grammatikasy turaly zertteuler” and others. She is the author of more than 100 scientific articles on the issues of Kazakh language.

   For the labour achievements and public activity A.Kalybayeva is awarded with medals and certificates. In 1971 she was awarded the honorary title “The honorary figure of science of the Kazakh language”.

   There at the book exhibition are presented the scientific works of A.Kalybayeva and the materials about the life and activity of the scientist.

   We invite you to visit the book exhibition! 

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