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   There in the department “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition “Kalamger onegesy”, dedicated to the centenary of the Kazakh writer, member of the Writers’ union of Kazakhstan Raiymkulov Rakhmetuly.

   Raiymkulov Rakhmetuly (1913-1978) was born in 1913 in the Bostandyk district of the Tashkent region (Uzbekistan). He began his labour activity in 1933 as executive secretary of the Shyrshyk district newspaper “Alga”. In 1939 he finished the Communist institute of journalism in Alma-Ata city. He worked as literary worker of the magazine “Stalin zholy” (today “Egemen Kazakstan”). He participated in the Great Patriotic war (1941-1945).
   In 1953-1961 he is the executive secretary of the magazine “Zhuldyz”, head of department of the newspaper “Kazak adebiety”. From 1971 he worked as deputy-director of the agitation bureau of artistic fiction at the Writers’ union of Kazakhstan.
In 1958 there saw the light his first collection of stories “Uade”. Later there were published the collections of stories and short novels “The blue mountain pass” (1960),
   “The man on crutches” (1967), “The turns” (1967), “The young man” (1977), “The echo in the steppe” (1981) and others. There in the regional theatres are staged the plays of the author named: “Ashyngan zhandar”, “Bolattyn synygy” (1974), “Akesynyn arkasynda” (1975).
   In his works R.Raiymkulov writes about human relations, about children and grown-ups, about the hard life of the people during the Second World War and after it.
   The author translated into the Kazakh language the two books from the trilogy “Bukhara” of the Tajik writer S.Aini and a number of other Ukrainian and Latvian writers. Many works of R.Raiymkulov are translated into Russian: “The green shield” (1963), “The man on
the camel” (1966) and others.
   R.Raiymkulov was awarded with orders and medals.

   There at the book exhibition are presented the materials about the life of R.Raiymkulov and his works: “Uade” (1958), “Zhasyl beles” (1960), “Tyuiyeli adam” (1962), “The green shield” (1963), “The man on the camel” (1966), “Burylystar” (1967), “Kyz-aina” (1970), “Bolattyn synygy” (1975), “Bala zhigit” (1977), “Syuretshi” (1982), “Kara zhorga” (1993) and others.

   We invite you to visit the book exhibition!

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