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   There by the order of the Chairman of the Committee of culture of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.A.Kishkkashbayev #7-i dated April 7, 2014 Askar Alibek Asylbayevich is appointed Director-General of the Republican state establishment “The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, who previously headed the Republican state establishment “The National academic library in Astana city”.

   On April 7, 2014 there took place the official presentation of the new Director-General of the National library of the RK Askar Alibek Asylbayevich. The new Director-General was acquainted with the collective of the library by vice-minister of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.I.Buribayev.
   Askar Alibek Asylbayevich, writer, winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chairman of the National committee for the protection of non-material cultural heritage at the National commission of the RK on UNESCO and ISESCO affairs. His length of service is 38 years. From 1992 to 2012 he was at the state service. From 1993 to 1998 – deputy, first deputy of the minister of press and mass information of the RK. From 2005 to 2012 – chief inspector, deputy, head of department of internal policy of the Administration of the President of the RK. From 2012 to April, 2014 – Director-General of the National academic library in Astana city. Also A.Askar occupied the post of secretary of the public council for the implementation of “The cultural heritage” programme.
   In his word of greeting A.I.Buribayev informed about the departure of G.K.Balabekova from the post of Director-General of the National library of the RK due to her own desire.
   A.I.Buribayev thanked G.K.Balabekova for the work done and noted that she had contributed considerably into the development of librarianship in the republic.
   Balabekova Gulissa Kabarovna has worked in the National library of the RK for more than 30 years. She was the initiator of many most important projects and programmes which were conducive to the consolidation of the library international community. She participated in the eleboration of the automated library-informational system which was the first one in the republic named RALIS (republican automated library-informational system).
   She was the coordinator of the informational web-portal named “National heritage” (with the participation of the biggest cultural establishments of Kazakhstan), she was the author of the CD-ROM “Musical heritage of Kazakhstan”.
   She headed the processes of organizing informational resources at the National library of the RK, of the informational backing for the state employees of the RK.
   Under her leadership the National library of the RK became the biggest scientific-cultural centre in the Eurasian space and managed to strengthen its prestige in the world library community.
   Balabekova G.K. is the plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the section of Interlibrary Loan of the CIS countries, vice-president of the Library Assembly of Eurasia (LAE), member of the Standing Committee of the Section of bibliography of
the Internhational federation of library associations and institutions (IFLA), chairperson of the Kazakhstan National committee by the “Memory of the world” UNESCO programme.
   For a considerable contribution into the cultural development of the country G.K.Balabekova was awarded with the “Kurmet” order. While delivering a speech before the workers, G.K.Balabekova warmly thanked the workers of the library for the fruitful work and achieved successes attained together which were always based upon the principles of mutual understanding, respect and support.
   She expressed the hope that the National library of the RK will preserve and continue the traditions of the library, will further develop the achieved successes, integrating into the world informational space and wished creative successes to the new Director-General.
   The collective of the National library of the RK also cordially thanked Gulissa Kabarovna Balabekova for the invaluable labour contribution into the development of the chief library of the country and wished to Alibek Asylbaeyvich Askar creative successes at the new post.

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