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   On May 30, 2014 at 09:00 hours there in the reading hall of “Kazakhstan kitaptary” department took place the thematic review for the young specialists of the library by the materials of the book exhibition “Azaly tarikhka tagzym” dedicated to the Memory day of the victims of political repressions in Kazakhstan.

 For Kazakhstan like the majority of the countries of the former Soviet Union, the years of the repressions will remain in the memory of the people by thousands of innocently convicted citizens. As the result of the cruel policy of detecting “the enemies of the people” the fates of millions of peole were crashed, the children were left without their fathers and mothers. Cruel repressions fell upon whole peoples: in accordance with the class, social, national, religious and other categories.
   The territory of Kazakhstan became the place for the mass deportation for the Soviet citizens. There were carried out the forced removal of the ethnoses: the Koreans, the Germans, the Poles, the Greeks, the Turks, the Chechens, the Tatars, the Kalmyks and others. In 1931 there was created the Karaganda reformatory-labour camp – KARLAG and the Akmola reformatory-labour camp for the wives of the traitors of motherland – ALZHIR. The punishment was given to the wives, sisters and mothers of the repressed ones.
   One of the first laws approved in sovereign Kazakhstan was the Law dated April 14, 1993 “On the rehabilitation of the victims of the mass political repressions”.
   Beginning from 1997 there by the Decree of the President of the RK N.Nazarbayev the Memory day of the victims of political repressions is marked on May 31. On this day there were carried out the activities dedicated to the memory of the peoole who had perished and suffered in the political repressions: the laying of flowers at the monuments for the repressed, the photo-exhibitions, the demonstration of documentary films in the cinemas, the “memory lessons” at the higher educational establishments etc.
   The purpose of the thematics review of literature was the acquaintance of the young specialists of the library with the history of the most tragic periods of our state, with the consequencies of the mass political repressions between 1920-1950-s.
   The librarians of the department acquainted the youth with the materials presented from the fond of the National library, which reflect the tragic events of the hard times.
   The recollections about these people whose destinies were crashed during the period of the cruel terror, must be preserved in the memory of the generations.



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