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   On June 5, 2014 at 15:00 hours there in the reading hall of the World literature department took place the ceremony of book donation from the General consulate of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   Annually on the eve of the birthday of the great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in the RK replenishes the Book corner of Russia created in 2006 at the National library of the RK with a collection of new literature. The library was donated approximately 100 new books and electronic editions published by the Federal special purpose programme consisting of the series – “The Russian language”, “The crossroads of history”, “Higher education” and other well-known series. The General Consulate for the first time presented the regional presentation collection of print and electronic materials about the Altai region of the Russian Federation.
   The gifted books have a great scientific and artistic value, enjoy great popularity with the readers of the National library of the RK and provide a possibility for the Kazakhstanis to become acquainted with the works of the Russian authors in the sphere of history, culture, science and art.
   There at the activity made speeches the consul of the General Consulate of the RF in the RK I.V.Pereverzeva, Deputy Director-General of the National library of the RK A.Kh.Yussupova, the constant readers of the library A.Smagululy, K.Bakhytov. There in the ceremony participated the students, teachers and representatives of the college libraries of Almaty city, readers and workers of the National library of the RK.
   There for the activity was timed the book exhibition named “Pushkin out of time and without any boundaries”. The great poet this year is 215 years of age. There at the exhibition is presented the literature about the creative activity of the poet, his works and scientific works of foreign researchers of his creative activity such as Thomas Show, Ya.A. Milner-Irinina, M.Armalinski and others in the Russian, Kazakh, English, German, Ukrainian, Moldavian and many other languages of the world.

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