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   There in the reading hall of the Department of periodical editions is organized an exhibition dedicated to the International day of fighting drugs.

   By the decision of the UN General Assembly June 26 is annually marked as the International day of fighting narcomania and the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs as a sign to create the international society free from using drugs. There by the Decree of the Government of the RK dated April 12, 2012 #451 was introduced the Branch programme for fighting narcomania and narcobusiness in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2016.
   The narcological illnesses are one of the most serios problems in society that cause multiple negative social consequencies. Including the following: the worsening of the general state of health of the population and the accompanying infectional illnesses, the disruption of the natural demographic resources of the country due to the widespreading of narcomania first of all among the youth.
   The International day provides a unique possibility to express your own opinion in support of the World campaign against drugs. On this day the governments of the countries, public organizations carry out different propaganda activities directed at the heightening of the level of being informed about the danger coming from drugs.
   The purpose for the organization of the exhibition is to attract the attention of the Kazakhstani public to the creation of auspicious psychological and social conditions for adolescents and youth conducive for the formation of a responsible secure conduct towards your own health.
   There at the exhibition from the fond of the National library of the RK are presented articles and materials of the Kazakhstani and Russian magazines and newspapers about the consequencies of using drugs, about the healthy way of life and formation of habits necessary in order to counter the desire to use drugs.

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