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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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There in the Exhibition hall is organized the book-illustrative exhibition “Askaktai ber, Astana” dedicated to the Day of Astana.

 In 1997 the President of sovereign Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to transfer the capital of the country from Almaty to Akmola. This decision was stipulated by the important geopolitical situation of the city – in the centre of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian continent, the availability of the necessary transport and communication infrastructure. In 1998 the leadership of the country made the decision to rename the new capital into – “Astana”. In 16 years time Astana became a prospering city with a developed infrastructure and the state centre of cultural, political and public life. The modern capital of Kazakhstan grows and changes and becomes more and more attractive for the dwellers of Kazakhstanand foreign guests. The architectural style in which there are intertwined the best traditions of European and Oriental culture, most fully reflects the image of the new capital as the centre of economy, politics and culture.  The status of the capital given to the city of Astana opened before it the grandiose prospects of growth and development.
   During the time elapsed there were notable changes not only in the external image of the city but also in the sphere of production, construction, culture, social security of the population. The transference of the capital into Astana city led to the speedy growth of its population. Astana became the pride of modern Kazakhstan, the symbolof the national idea and unification of the country. The future of Kazakhstan is inseparably linked with the future of Astana. It is now an inseparable part of the new image of Kazakhstan.
   There at the exhibition are presented the albums, literature about the history and future of Astana, about the economic, cultural and social aspects in the development of Astana etc.

   We invite everybody to the exhibition!

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