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   On September 11, 2014 at 11:00 hours there at the National library of the RK took place the panel dedicated to the 120-th birthday of the outstanding world-renowned Pushkin-study specialist, scientist-researcher, writer Nikolai Alexeyevich Raevskiy.

   The organizers: the National library of the RK and the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   N.A.Rayevskiy – a member of the Writers’ Union of the RK, the honored worker of culture of the Kazakh SSR by his books “If the portraits speak”, “The portraits started speaking”, “Pushkin’s friend Pavel Voyinovich Nashchekin” and others, which were created and published namely in Almaty made our city upon the map of Pushkin-study another place for new discoveries about the life and environment of A.S.Pushkin and forever connected the Pushkin House in Leningrad (St.-Petersburg) with Alma-Ata (Almaty). The finds of N.Rayevskiy in Slovenia in the castleof Brodzyany, the diary records of Dolly (the grand-daughter of Kutuzov), the countess Darya Fikelmon) and the letters to her from Pushkin disclosed to the scientific world and the huge reading auditorium the new details about the life and the death of the Poet. This bestseller re-published in Kazakhstan six times with the total circulation of about 2 mln.copies – the unique book “The portraits started speaking” even today marking its 40-th anniversary is a still much wanted rarity. The publishing house “Zhazushy” published also with a circulation of 100 hundred thousand copies the lyrical short novels by N.A.Rayevskiy “Djafar and Djan” and “The last love of the poet”. In the original and in the translation into the Kazakh, Czech and English languages they were also re-published several times in Kazakhstan as well as abroad.
   As a scientist-biologist and a splendid translator-polyglot, N.A.Rayevskiy made a considerable contribution into the preservation and popularization of the achievements of Kazakhstani surgery. There by the invitation of the director of “The institute of clinical and experimental surgery” A.N.Syzganov, he while working at the institute, created an extensivebibliography of works on the thyroid gland  in eight foreign languages, prepared and compiled the collection “The essays on the history of surgery of Kazakhstan”. While implementing the idea of A.N.Syzganov, N.A.Rayevskiy for the first time created the Museum on the history of surgery of Kazakhstan.
   There within the framework of the activity out of the fond of the National library of the RK was organized the book-illustrative exhibition dedicated to the life and creative activity of N.Rayevskiy, the photo-gallery from the collection of the State archives of cine-photo-documents and sound recordings of the RK and private archives and with the participation of the State archives of scientific-technical documentation.
   The honored worker of the RK Tatjana Tarskaya read excerpts from the books “The live pages” and “The portraits started speaking”.
   The moderator was a member of the Union of writers and journalists of the RK, poetess Rimma Artemyeva.
   There in the activity participated: Alibek Askar – Director-General of the NLRK, writer, winner of the State prize; Lyubov Shashkova – head of “the Russian section” of the Writers’ union of the RK,  the honored worker of culture of the RK, poetess; Ualikhan Kalizhanov – corresponding-member of the National academy of sciences of the RK, doctor of science (philology); Svetlana Ananyeva – head of department of world literature of the Institute of culture and literature after M.Auezov; Gulyaikhan Sarsenova – director of the State archives of scientific-technical documentation; Vladimir Tatenko – the honored figure of arts of the RK, member of the Union of cinematographists of the RK, the well-known cinema director; Sergei Sukhov – member of the Union of cinematographists of the RK, the well-known cinema operator; Alexander Golovinskiy - member of the Union of cinematographists and journalists of the RK, the honored figure of arts of the RK, cinema director; the artists of the Almaty Theatre of Young Spectator after N.Sats, writers, students of higher educational establishments, readers of the National library of the RK, librarians of Almaty city and mass-media.


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