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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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   There in the reading-halls of “Kazakstan kitaptary” and World literature departments are organized the book exhibitions named “September 22 is the Linguistic day of the Kazakhstani people”.

   There with the development of the language and the widening of its public functions is indubitably linked the flourish of the national culture and the future of the nation itself as the historically formed stable community of people. The Linguistic day of the Kazakhstani people is a sign of friendship, relation and unity of all citizens of the country.
   The state pays great attention to the creation of the optimum languistic space for more than 130 nations and nationalities of the country. At the same time each of them has the unique spiritual and material culture, their history, traditions and rites.
   On this holiday in all the regions of our multi-national republic there are held festivals that symbolize the unity and concord among the peoples. There within the framework of the festival are held scientific conferences, panels, olympiads and competitions for the knowledge of the state language, there are organized book exhibitions in the libraries, there are held concerts of masters of arts. The purpose of such festivals is the propagation of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan, of the state language and its role in society, the education of a respectful attitude towards national values.
   The National library of the RK organized two thematic book-illustrative exhibitions, dedicated to the Linguistic day of the Kazakhstani people. The exhibition organized in the reading-hall of “Kazakstan kitaptary” department has three sections: the literature about the State programme of development and functioning of the languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2011-2020. The programme provides for carrying out of a harmonious linguistic policy which provides the full-scale functioning of the state language as the most significant factor in the strengtening of national unity while simultaneously preserving the languages of all the ethnoses living in Kazakhstan. The second section of the exhibition is dedicated to the works of the prominent Kazakh writers who universally raised the linguistic problems – Abai, A.Baitursynov, Kh.Dosmukhamedov, K.Zhubanov, M.Auezov, Sh.Sarybaeyv and others.
   The third section includes materials of the authors of the other peoples who managed to raise the Kazakh language like their native language – Ch.Aitmatov, G.Belger, A.Osmanova. In this very section there are also presented the book editionson the development and studying of the state language and the languages of the peoples living on the territory of Kazakhstan from the fond of the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city.
   The book exhibition organized in the reading hall of the department of World literature, consists of reference and study literature, manuals for studying the languages of the people of Kazakhstan (Uigur tili, Uzbek tili, Deutsch, Le francais des affaires), reference materials and dictionaries (), periodical editions published in the national languages in Kazakhstan (Saodat sari, DiyaR, Almatynski Kurier Polonijny, Uigur avazi, Ahiska) and others.

   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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