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   On September 6, 2014 at 12:00 there in the Exhibitions hall took place the celebration of the labour veteran, librarian-bibliographer Lyubenko Eugeniya Osipovna timed to her 90-th birthday.

   E.O.Lyubenko was born on September 6, 1924 in Odessa city. In 1929 together with the family she moved to Denpropetrovsk city. In the hard years of the Great Patriotic war during the period of occupation she lived with her relatives in the Dnepropetrovsk region, Petrikovsk district in the village of Loboikovka.
   Eugeniya Osipovna Lyubenko dedicated her whole life to the library profession. She began her labour activity in 1946 as head of the library at the vocational school #6 in Dnepropetrovsk city. 1947-1950 she studied at the Dnepropetrovsk technical school. In 1951-52 she worked in the regional and district libraries of  Dnepropetrovsk city. In 1952-1956 she studied at the Kharkov state library institute. In 1956 graduating with honours and having been appointed to the State public library after A.S.Pushkin, she moves to Almaty city. In 1956-1960 she worked as senior librarian of the book depositary, in 1960-1962 – the head of the servicing department, from September to November, 1965 – head of the fonds and subscribers’ department, in 1965-1971 – chief librarian of the patent department, in 1971-1978 – chief librarian of the reference-bibliographical department.
   From 1978 was the head of the sector of information work in the informational-bibliographical department. Having worked for many years at the State library after A.S.Pushkin E.O.Lyubenko made a great contribution into the development of bibliography and librarianship. There within the framework of the activity out of the archival fond of the National library was organized the photo-exhibition of the past years.
   There to the celebration activity were invited the veterans of the National library who had worked in different years with E.O.Lyubenko.
   They marked the great assiduity, the desire to be of use to the people, modesty and spiritual beauty of Eugeniya Osipovna.



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