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   On November 28, 2014 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibitions hall took place the discussion of the main ideas contained in the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan named “Nurly Zhol – the Way to the Future”. For the explanation of the key trends of the Address there before the collective of the library spoke the Kazakhstani political-study expert, doctor of science (history) Azimbai Gali.

   There with the foreword about the ideological and professional significance of the given activity for the libraries spoke Director-General Alibek Askar. He noted that the Address of  the President is the guide for the implementation of activity in all the trends of the public life of the republic.
Azimbai Gali stressed that the Address of the Head of State for the year 2015 entered the history as the document of strategic importance aimed at the provision of stable development of Kazakhstan in the period of the global crisis. According to the opinion of the scientist there with great interest awaits this annual address of the Leader of the Nation the world community because the Address itself gives great material for analysis, meditation, conclusions and in its essense it is an international document because the anticrisis measures of the leading Central-Asian state play a significant role in the world economy. According to his opinion all the measures announced by the Head of State in the Address indubitably strengthen the trust of the citizens to their country and they start believing more in the bright future of the country.
   The workers of the National library expressed the opinion that the Address itself is closely linked with the current plans for the inculcation of the library innovations, the qualitative formation of the all-national book fond and the prospects of development of librarianship in the republic.
   The results of the discussion of the ideas contained in the Address of the President were summarized by Director-General A.Askar: “Nurly Zhol” is a very important and needed strategical document at the present situation and by supporting the constructive idea contained in the given important programme document we naturally support and develop our professional competitiveness, because we can see the palpable transformation in all the spheres of life”.


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