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   On December 26, 2014 at 15:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the memory evening named “Nemat Kelimbetov shygarmashylygy zhane korkem adebiettyn tarbiyelik mani” dedicated to the creative activity of the writer, translator, scientist-Turkologist, doctor of science (philology), professor Nemat Kelimbetov.

   Nemat Kelimbetov was born in 1937 in Uzbekistan. In 1959 he graduated from the Tashkent financial-economic institute, in 1966 – the Kazakh state university after S.M.Kirov (todaythe Kazakh national university after Al-Farabi). In 1959-1961 – a scientific worker at the Institute of economics of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan, the literary worker of the newspaper “Socialistyk Kazakstan” (now “Egemen Kazakstan”), in 1970-1973 – the executive secretary of the Commission for the awarding of the State prizes of the KazSSR in the sphere of literature, art and architecture, in 1976-1981 – the editor of the publishing house “Kazakhstan”, in 1981-1997 – the teacher, assistant-professor, professor at the chair of Kazakh literature of the Kazakh national pedagogical university after Abai, in 1995-1996 – professor of the Almaty institute of international journalistics, in 1997-2002 – professor at the chair of the Kazakh language at the Kazakh national technical university after K.Satpayev. His main works are dedicated to the researches of the ancient Turkic literary monuments. N.Kelimbetov investigated the aesthetical relations of the Kazakh literature and the ancient Turkic poetry.
   He is the author of the short novel-monologue «I don’t want to lose hope” (1981), “I am not poor but sad” (2001), the short novel-monologue “The river of life” (2003) and also scientific researches in the sphere of literature-study:  “The poet Shadi. The research” (1974), “The ancient period in the history of Kazakh literature” (1986), “The literature of the ancient epoch” – the first book of the series named “The history of Kazakh literature” (1991), “The sources of Kazakh literature. The research” (1998),“The continuity of the artistic traditions (The ancient Turkic poetry and the sources of Kazakh literature). The research” (2000) and others, more than 100 articles in different scientific collections and encyclopaedias. He translated into the Kazakh language the following artistic works: the short novel by L.Gurunts “Our lovely Shushikent” (1977), the novel by V.Kozachenko “The lightning” (1979), the novel “The horizon” by Sayid Akhmad (1981), the novel by P.Kadyrov “The starlit nights” (1986) and others.
   A member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR (1990) and Kazakhstan (1994).
   He is awarded by the Honorary certificate of the RK (2001), by the Golden medal of the European society of F.Kafka under the aegis of  UNESCO (2010). He is the winner of the prize after Kultegin (2005).
   The activity was opened by the writer, Director-General of the National library A.Askar
   The moderator of the evening was the well-known journalist, president of the joint-stock company the republican newspaper “Egemen Kazakstan” Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov.
There within the framework of the activity took place the presentation of the new editions: the multi-volume collection of works, the novel “Umit yuzgim kelmeidy” translated into the Persian, Azerbaijan, Byellorussian, Uzbek languages and the book “Tyurki khalyktarynyn orta muralary” translated into the Turkish language.
   The ribbon-cutting ceremony was carried out by the well-known people’s artiste of Kazakhstan Sabit Orazbayev and the cultural study specialist, public figure Murat Auezov.
   There at the activity spoke: S.Orazbayev, M.Auezov, M.Myrzakhmetov, E.Obayev, S.Kaskabasov, S.Elubai, Sh.Ybyrayev, Sh.Ayupova, E.Tileshov, K.Kelimbetov and others.
  The musical number was performed by the honored figure of Kazakhstan Ramazan Stamgaziyev and the actor, the winner of the order “Kurmet” Zholaman Amirov, there was also shown an excerpt from the play “Umit yuzgim kelmeidy” performed by the honored artiste of the RK A.Toleubek and the actress of the theatre G.Tutova.
   There within the framework of the activity from the fond of the National library was organized the book exhibition named “Rukhaniyat syry men rukh zhyry” dedicated to the creative activity of the author.
   The programme dedicated to the memory of N.Kelimbetov will be continued by the play “Umit yuzgim kelmeidy” at the Kazakh State academic drama theatre after M.Auezov on December 27, 2014. There in the activity took place: the public figures, the well-known poets, writers, historians, Turkic-study specialists, philologists, librarians of Almaty city, students of the higher educational establishments, mass-media, readers of the National library of the RK.




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