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   On February 16, 2015 at 15:00 there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the presentation of the monograph of the academician of the National academy of sciences of the RK, president of the Kazakhstani-American free university Erezhep Mambetkaziyev «Rector – the conscience of the college”.

 The President of the RK N.Nazarbayev in his Message “The new economic policy “Nurly zhol” indicated the key aspects for the heightening of the quality in the preparation of modern Kazakhstani specialists. Within the framework of implementation of the tasks set by the Head of State, the Ministry of education and science of the RK determined the new vector of effective policy in the development of the educational system.
   The topicality and urgency of the problems analysed by the president of the Kazakhstani-American free university, academician of the National academy of sciences of the RK Erezhep Mambetkaziyev in his new monograph «Rector – the conscience of the college” in many ways coincide to the national strategical priorities in  the given sphere.
The author of the book is the well-known organizer of education in the republic, the creator of the Eastern-Kazakhstani state university (the third one after KazGU and KarGU) and of the first private university of international partneship in the country – KASU, which marked its 20-th anniversary, the rector with the 30 years of labour activity, the minister of education and science (1993-1995), who initiated a whole range of innovations inculcated into the college system, and he highlights in his new work the most urgent problems not only in education and science but in society on the whole.
   Having great experience, he not only reveals the reasons but also shares the concrete proposals for the further harmonization of education, of the achievement of correlation of the social-economic conditions of the life of the Kazakhstanis to the criteria of the civilized world.
The book is designed to be read by the rector-colleagues, organizers of education, the deputies, pedagogues, students, parents, representatives of the public, to all the compatriots and is aimed at the wide circle of readers.
   The monograph «Rector – the conscience of the college” is published in the Russian, Kazakh, English languages not only in Kazakhstan but also by the publishing house “Co-Serve-International” (city of Sandy, the state of Oregon, USA).
   The opinions of the very first readers about the book have been received from U.Ashimovthe rector of the Northern-Kazakhstani state university, doctor of science, professor, academician of the NAS of the RK; V.Sadovnichiy – rector of the Moscow state university after M.V.Lomonosov, doctor of science, academician of the Russian academy of sciences; V.Kiyanskiy – deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstanj, doctor of sceince, professor, academician of MANEB and MAE; M.Christensen – the citizen of the USA, doctor of philosophy, president of the university “Warner Pacific” – one of the most prestigious in America, President of the Foundation “Co-Serve-International”.
   The moderator was the head of the chair on history of journalistics of the KazNU after al-Farabi, president of the Academy of journalistics, doctor of science (history) Kozybayev Sagymbai Kabashevich.
There in the presentation participated the rectors of the national and leading state universities of Kazakhstan, prominent scientists, deputies of the Majilis and the Parliament of the RK, the well-known political and public figures, journalists.





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