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   There in the reading hall of world literature is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 125-th birthday of the prominent Russian poet, prosaic and translator Boris Leonidovich Pasternak.

   Pasternak Boris Leonidovich was born on February 10, 1890 in Moscow in the family of the well-known painter. From early childhood the future poet was surrounded by music, paintings and literature. In 1909-1913 he studied at the department of philosophy of the historical-philological faculty of the Moscow university. After graduating from the university he becomes engaged in literary activity. The first steps of Pasternak in literature were marked by the participation in the Moscow symbolic literary and philosophical circles. The influence of the poetry of Russian modernism is distinctly felt in the first two books of verses by Pasternak “The twin brother in the clouds” (1913) and “Above the barriers” (1917). In 1922 there is published the third book of verses by the poet “My sister - life” in which there most fully was embodied the Pasternak’s image of the world.
   In 1932 there is published the new collection of lyrics – “The second birth” which marked the beginning of the active participation of Pasternak in the public-literary life. Beginning from 1932 and up to the very end of his life Pasternak is engaged in translating activity, working with modern and classical Georgian poetry, the tragedies of W.Shakespeare, Faust, Goethe and much more. In 1940-1941 after a long pause Pasternak again starts writing verses marked in this period by the striving to overcome the comlications of the language, which were inherent in his earlier poetry. From 1946 to 1955 Pasternak works upon the kind of summary of his creative activity – the novel “Doctor Zhivago”. Every year Pasternak was proposed for the Nobel prize in literature. In 1958 his candidature was proposed by the Winner of the Nobel prize Albert Kamyu and on October 23 Pasternak became the second writer from Russia (after I.A.Bunin) who was awarded this prize. But Pasternak being under the threat of being expelled from the USSR was forced to reject the prize and it was given to Pasternak’s son in 1989 after his death. In 1960 the poet died of a hard desease and was buried in Moscow city.

   There at the book exhibition from the fond of the National library of the RK are presented the works of the writer B.L.Pasternak published in different years in many foreign languages.

   We invite everybody to visit the exhibition!

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