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   On February 12, 2015 at 15:00 hours there in the Great hall took place the holiday action named “Ulttar zharastygy – uly kazyna” dedicated to the Year of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and organized by the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Secretariat of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city, the Almaty city affiliate of “Nur Otan” party and the Public council “Miras”.

   In 2015 the whole of Kazakhstan celebrates the Year of the Assembly which is timed to the 20-th anniversary of its formation.
On February 6 there in Almaty city was given the official start to the celebration of the Year of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan with the raising of the flag of the APK and carrying out of mass festivities.
   The National library of the RK being the conductor of state policy and the republican programmes, the depositary of world and domestic knowledge is among the first to take up this relay race and is preparing to mark this notable event in the life of multinational Kazakhstan.
   From 2012 there at the National library of the RK with the assistance of the APK of Almaty city successfully functions the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, the purpose of which is the formation and popularization of scientific works, researches in the sphere of interethnical and interconfessional relations. The documentary and artistic literature collected in the Depositary reflects the history and modern life of different ethnoses living on the territory of our country, the development of their spiritual culture, traditions and art.
   There within the framework of the activity were presented the speeches of the organizers, the presentation “The models of interethnical concordance in Kazakhstan” by the group of the APK of Almaty city, the musical concert by the ethnical collectives, the book-illustrative exposition of the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan at the National library of the RK, the demonstration of the videofilm about the work of the APK and ethnical cultural centres, the exhibition of crafts of ethnical cultures.
   The hosts at the activity – the librarians of the National library Shyngysov Zhomart and Dyuisenbayeva Dinara.
There at the activity spoke: Director-General of the National library, the well-known writer, winner of the state prize of the RK, chairman of the Public council “Miras” of the Almaty civil forum of the “Nur Otan” party Askar Alibek Asylbayevich; Deputy Chairman of the Almaty civil forum of the “Nur Otan” party, doctor of science (philology), chairman of the public council “Miras” of the Almaty civil forum of the “Nur Otan” party Matyzhanov Kenzhekhan Slamzhanovich, Deputy Chairman of the APK of Almaty city Vastok Akhmadula, Chairman of the Scientific-expert group of the APK of Almaty city, doctor of science (philosophy) Shaikemelev Mukhtarbek Seyid-Aliyevich, chairman of the Republican youth organization “Zharasym” Akhmetov Rasul Suralimovich.
   There with the concert programme performed: the Korean, Uzbek, Russian, Osetin, Uigur, Ukranian, Checneno-Ingush ethnical-cultural centres and the “Dostyk” dancing ensemble of the students of the Kazakh National agrarian university.

   There in the activity participated: representatives of the Akimat of Almaty city, the ethnic-cultural centres and associations, the deputy corps of the maslikhat, the Almaty city affiliate of “Nur Otan” party, the Secretariat of the APK of Almaty city, the Public council “Miras” of the Almaty city affiliate of “Nur-Otan” party, the Almaty city affiliate of “Zhas Otan” party, the public of the city, the organizations of culture, teachers from universities and colleges, the students, mass-media etc.




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