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   On April 3, 2015 at 11:00 hours there took place the presentation of the full-text Electronic library named “The world of Mukhtar Auezov”.

   The organizers: the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Scientific cabinet of Mukhtar Auezov (the expert M.M.Auezov), the Scientific-cultural centre “Auezov’s house” of the Institute of literature and art after Mukhtar Auezov of the Ministry of education and science of the RK (Director D.A.Kunayev).

   Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov - is the great Kazakh writer, scientist, pedagogue, public figure, a man of ancyclopaedic knowledge and erudition thus he entered the consciousness of the contemporaries and the memory of the descendants. He created more than twenty plays many magnificent stories and short novels, he wrote the libretto to the operas and cinema scripts.
The culmination of his creative activity was the four-volume epopee about Abai. Moved by his love towards truth, harmony and his much-suffering Kazakh people, he led them to the self-assertion along the path of deep spiritual searches and constant self-perfection. He spoke in all the Turkic languages, Russian and Farsi, he raised to the levels unheard of before the Kazakh literary and humanitarian-scientific language. His works are accepted gratefully from Beijing and Istambul to Paris and New-York.
   The electronic library “The world of Mukhtar Auezov” was concieved simultaneously with the Russian unique project “The whole of Tolstoi in one click”. Such a large cultural event in the life of modern Russia was not left unnoticed and there started participating in the project 3 000 people from 49 countries of the world. There in the Russian project was published the etalon electronic version of the 90-volume collection of works of Leo Tolstoi. In 2014 the National Parliamentary library of Ukraine presented the Electronic library “Your Shevcnehko” timed for the 200-th birthday of Taras Shevchenko. The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented to the Ukrainian colleagues the digitized materials from its fond, now the work is going on for the search of materials and filling in of the electronic library “Your Shevchenko”.
   The electronic library “The world of Mukhtar Auezov” is sitauted at the site of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the informational resource is to provide the single access to the literary heritage of Mukhtar Auezov, to acquaint the world and domestic community with the creative activity of the Kazakh classic, to widen the knowledge about the life and activity of the great writer.
   The electronic library “The world of Mukhtar Auezov” is a unique, integrated electronic resource of documents, at which there are presented the works of M.Auezov, the translations and publications of the works in the languages of the world, there are collected the recollections of the contemporaries and the well-known figures of culture about his life and creative activity.
The platform of the project is the full academic collection of worksof Mukhtar Auezov in 50 volumes. There in the academic edition are collected the scientific works, short stories and novels, articles, cinema scripts, letters and research works belonging to the pen of the great artist of the word. Also there into the basis of the electronic resource were laid the materials from
the private archives of Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov, the digitized manuscripts from the Institute of literature after Mukhtar Auezov and also the richest collection from the fond of the National library of the RK. The scientific interest of the users will be evoked by the earlier unpublished manuscripts of the writer, the private letters and photographs, the videos and audio materials. There into the electronic collection are included the books, articles from the periodical press, the authors of which are the well-known Kazakhstani and foreign figures of science and culture, politicians and journalists.

   The activity was opened by Director-General of the National library of the RK, Winner of the State prize, honored figure of the RK, writer Alibek Askar.
   The moderator at the presentation was the well-known cultural-study specialist, public figure Murat Auezov.
   The electronic library was presented by: B.K.Ospanova, N.A.Iskaliyeva, A.Aitbayeva, A.Bayanova.
   There at the activity spoke: S.Gabbasov, S.Ananyeva, Zh.Mustafina, D.Kunaev, Zh.Namazbayeva, L.Auezova, G.Tashimbek, B.Sutzhanov, B.Amantaiuly, G.Razakova.

   Participants: the well-known public figures, writers, readers of the library, students from colleges and universities, mass-media representatives.




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