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   On April 15, 2015 at 10:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the literary evening of the youth’s club “Parasat” of the National library of the RK.

   The purpose for the creation of the club is to attract the youth towards reading and the book, the heightening and development of their intellectual level, the stimulating of the growing generation towards creative activity, to acquaint the youth with Kazakhstani literature and popularize it.
   The activity was opened by Director-General of the National library of the RK, the winner of the State prize, honored figure of the RK, writer Alibek Askar.
   The activity was carried out within the framework of “Parasat” club organized by the initiative of “Kazakstan kitaptary” Service.
   There in the programme of the evening the youth became acquainted with the creative activity of the young authors of Kazakhstan: Dinara Malikova, Nurtas Turganbek, Damir Aben, Moldir Aitbai,Alibi Aribek, Aidana Shotbai and Ulan Yskakov.
The young poets presented the verses at the evening dedicated to love.
The young specialists of the library read the works of the well-known Kazakhstani classics and their own verses.
   All the people who spoke expressed their approval and the opinion about the necessity for the development of “Parasat” youth’s club.
There within the framework of the activity out of the fond of the National library of the RK was organized the book exhibition named “Makhabbat – zhyrdyn zhaukhary” dedicated to the Day of those who are in love in Kazakhstan, whose prototype were the heroes of the Kazakh epos “Kozy Korpesh – Bayan Sulu”.




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