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   On May 15, 2015 at 11:00 hours there in the reading hall “Kazakstan kitaptary” within the framework of the work carried out by the youth’s club “Parasat” and the celebration of the 70-th anniversary of the Great Victory took place the memory evening dedicated to the participant of the Great Patriotic war, Hero of the Soviet Union, writer Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.

   Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is a participant of the Great Patriotic war, Hero of the Soviet Union, belonging to the Panfilov division, a writer. He was born on December 24, 1910 in the Zhambyl region. From the beginning of the war B.Momyshuly exerted many efforts for the formation of the 316-th shooters division with which he went to the front.

   He participated in the battles for Moscow, was the commander of the famous 8-th Guards’ division, was the commander of the regiment, at the end of the war he was the commander of  the Guards’ division. It was during these years that B.Momyshuly showed himself as a talented commander, famous strategist and an expert of the military business.

   There within the programme of the evening the youth were acquainted with the heroic past of the Soviet people. There to the meeting with the youth was invited a member of the family of Momyshuly, the Kazakhstani writer Zeinep Akhmetova, the authoress of the famous book about legendary Bauyrzhan Momyshuly “Shuakty kyunder”, “Babalar amanaty” and many articles dedicated to the spitirual-moral upbringing of the youth, propagation of rites and traditions of the Kazakh people. During the meeting Zeinep Akhmetova narrated about the life of the famous son of the Kazakh people and shared her personal recollections. In particular she remembered  how strict but just was always Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The youth in the library read excerpts from the books of the Kazakhstani authors about the war.
   There within the framework of the activity out of the fond of the National library of the RK is organized the book exhibition named “Kakharman uly Kazaktyn”, dedicated to legendary Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. Also there at the exhibition are presented the works of his son Bakytzhan Momyshuly and his wide Zeinep Akhmetova.



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