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   On May 19, 2015 at 14:00 hours there in the Exhibitions hall took place the memory evening, dedicated to the 70-th birthday of the composer, honored figure of culture of Kazakhstan Seidollah Baiterekov.
   The activity was held within the faremwork of “Inzhu-Marzhan” Club which is at the Arts department of the National library of the RK.

   Baiterekov Seidollah (1945-1998) is a composer. Honored figure of culture of Kazakhstan. He graduated from the Alma-Ata state conservatoire after Kurmangazy, where he continued the teaching activity. After that S.Baiterekov worked as artistic leader and conductor of the tour-concertassociation “Kazakhconcert” where he paid great attentionto the development of creative potential of young performers.beginning from 1990 and to the last days he was director of the State sound recording studio “Saz”. He is the author of the music to many cartoons and films (“The son-in-law from the province”, “The fragrance of the wormwood”), dramatical plays (“Sakal saudasy”, “Tastama otty, Prometei”, “Turandot khanshaiym”, “Men ishpegen u bar ma?”, “The fairy-tale about the dombra and the blue flower”, “Makhabbat araly”), the musical “Erte, erte, ertede…” and many others.
Noteworthy are his very last symphonical works – the symphonical suite “Zhibek zholy” and the music to the documentary film “ALZHIR” (“The Akmolinsk camp of wives of traitors of the Motherland”) which includes the piece of work  named “The requiem”.            
   He was also a composer writing songs. The songs “Aliya”, “Kyunge tabynu”, “Dos turaly zhyr”, “Turkestan”, “Omir-omir”, “Moldir sezym”, “Tyuisinbedym”, “Byr bolaiyk”, “Sagyndym dauysyndy”, “Aman bol” and many others are one of the most loved songs of the wide circle of listeners in Kazakhstan as well as beyond its boundaries.
   His symphonic and choir works are among the best creations of the composers of Kazakhstan.

   There within the framework of the activity was organized the book-illustrative exhibition “An - gumyr” about the life and creative activity of S.Baiterekov.

   There at the evening spoke – the well-known composer of Kazakhstan writing songs, honored figure of Kazakhstan Shomishbai Sariyev; the popular Kazakhstani satirist Kopen Amirbek; doctor of science (chemistry), professor Abduali Baeshov; the veteran of Kazakh radio, figure of culture Kemelbek Shamatai, and there participated also the brothers and sisters Baiterekovs – Ibadullah, Usen, Nazira, Kulyash, the readers and workers of the library, mass-media, students from colleges and others.




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