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   On July 3, 2015 at 11:00 there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the evening of poetry named “The head of state – the hope of the people, Astana – the heart of the people” with the participation of young poets of Kazakhstan dedicated to the 75-th birthday of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

   The evening of poetry was illustrated by the book exhibitions “Elbasy” and “Askaktai ber, Astana”.

   The purpose of the given activity is to acquaint the younger generation with the activity and the basics of the prominent personal qualities of the Head of state and his peculiar merits in
the cause of serving Motherland, reflected in the creative activity of the young poets of Kazakhstan who make their contribution into the development of the Kazakh language  and national poetry.

   The expositions of the book exhibitions presented to the attention of readers and participants of the evening the editions narrating about the life of N.A.Nazarbayev, his historical role in the cause of the formation and development of independent Kazakhstan, modernization of Kazakhstani society and also about Astana that became the pride of the people and the symbol of implementation of the national idea and strengthening of the unity of the people.
   There at the exhibitions were presented more than 3000 editions in the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.
   The evening was opened by Director-General of the National library of the RK, winner of the State prize, honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, writer Alibek Askar.

   The moderator at the evening was the head of the bureau of the national channel “Kazakhstan” in Almaty city, journalist Dauren Dariyabek.

   There at the evening performed the young poets Talapbek Tynysbek, Serikbol Khasan, Aliya Inkarbek and the workers of the library: Aizada Baidarova, Aikenzhe Zhaksylykova, Perizat Boltayeva, Dinara Malik and in conclusion Akzhan Kyrbasov performed the song “”Kok tudyn zhelbiregeny’.




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