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   On July 10, 2015 at 11:00 hours there in the Lesser hall took place the presentation of the book by Mukhammed Khaidar Dulati namede «Tarihk-i-rashidi” published again by “KAZakparat” for the 550-th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate.

   The book is published by the state programme named “The publication of the socially important kinds of literature” of the Ministry of culture and sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
   Mirza Mukhammed Khaidar in his work narrates about Zhetysu, which was the cradle of the Kazakh khanate and a part of Mogolstan. The great scientist described with utmost meticulosity and scrupulosity the activity of Kasym khan, the rites and traditions of the peoples under his rule, the whole of Desht’ i-Kipchak and the region Zhetysu. In his work he also narrates about the friendly interrelations of the Kazakh khans and the Mogol rulers.
   At the present time the works of Mirza Mukhammed Khaidar are in great demand due to the fact that the great scientist narrates not only about the Mogol state and its rulers but he also calls that: “The duty of historians is to deliver to the descendants their genealogy as it is.The subsequent descendants must know not only the origins of their ancestors but along with the positive characters they must show the unpleasant deeds and what use or harm they may bring in future”.
   There in the works of Mirza Mukhammed Khaidar the researchers in many branches of science find great quantities of factual material pertaining to the history of China, India, Afghanistan and Iraq.
   «Tarihk-i-rashidi” is first of all the genealogy of the way covered by the Turkic peoples in the XIV-XVI centuries who lived on the Middle-Asian territory and also the chronicles of the Kazakh khanate.

   The activity was opened by Director-General of the National library of the RK, winner of the State prize, honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, writer Alibek Askar.
   The moderator at the activity was the director of the Institute of history and ethnology after Ch.Ualikhanov, doctor of science (history), professor Khangeldy Abzhanov.

   There at the activity spoke: K.Botbai, A.Derbisali, I.Zhemenei, M.Daiyrbekov, S.Sartayev, M.Koigeldiyev, U.Aitbayev, B.Nurzhekeyev, B.Karibayev, A.Osman, B.Nasenov.

   The participants: the leading scientists-historians, archeologists, representatives of establsihments of culture and public, mass-media representatives.



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