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   On August 5, 2015 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the memory evening dedicated to the birthday of the legendary attack-plane flier, major-general of aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Talgat Begeldinov.

   The organizers: the son of the Hero Talgat Talgatovich Begeldinov with the support of the National library.

   Talgat Yakupbekovich Begeldinov was born on August 5, 1922 in the village Maibalyk of the Akmolinskaya region in the family of a peasant.
   After finishing the secondary school he entered the air-club and he also studied in the Saratov and Chkalovsk (nowadays Orenburg) military-aviation schools.
   In 1940-1956 he served in the army.
   He went to the front in 1942 within the 144-th guards attack-plane aviation regiment  and fought at the Kalininsk, Voronezhsk, Stepnoi, the 1-st and the 2-nd Ukrainian fronts, showed heroism during the liberation of Ukraine, Poland, while storming Breslau and Berlin.
   Altogether during the years of the war T.Y.Begeldinov made more than 300 battle flights, in the air-combats he demolished 7 enemy planes, tens of tanks, guns and other military equipment.
   After the war in 1950 he graduated from the Military-air academy and up to 1956 he continued the service in the Military-Air forces of the USSR.
   From 1957 up to 1970 he worked in the sphere of civil aviation.
   He was deputy chairman of the department for Civil aviation of the Kazakh SSR.
   He headed the work for the creation of the take-off and landing strips in Almaty, Aktyubinsk, Karaganda, Kostanai, Zhambyl, Ust-Kamenogorsk and other regional centres.
   In 1968 Talgat Begeldinov finished by correspondence the Moscow engineer-construction institute after which he worked at the leading posts within the system of Gosstroi of the Kazakh SSR.
   A deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2-3 and the 12-th convocations (in 1946-1954 and 1989-1991).
   The author of the books: “305 raids”, “The Ills attacking” (1966), “The air-battles” (1967), “Diving into immortality” (2000).
   Awarded with the order of Lenin, twice with the order of the Red Banner, with the orders of Patriotic war of the I-st and II-nd degree, the order of Alexander Nevski, of the Red Star, of the Glory of the III-rd degree and with medals.
   On May 9, 2000 there was opened the bust of the twice Hero of the Soviet Union Talgat Begeldinov at the Alley of Glory in Kokshetau city.
   The bronze bust is established in Frunze city (now Bishkek).
   The Aktyubinsk military institute of air-force defence (formerly AVVAU), the Karaganda republican military boarding-school are named after T.Begeldinov.
   There within the framework of the activity out of the fond of the National library was organized the book-illustrative exhibition about the life and creative activity of T.Y.Begeldinov and there was shown the documentary film “Talgat’s high skies” (1974).

   The activity was opened by Director-General of the National library of the RK, winner of the State prize, honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, writer Alibek Askar.

   The moderator at the activity was the journalist, political matters’ expert, public figure S.Kuttykadam.
   The moderator at the activity was the journalist, political matters’ expert, public figure

   There spoke: L.Voronina, G.Tashimbaiuly, V.Zhandauletov, B.Nurpeyisov, M.Eleusizov, G.Bigeldinova, T.Bigeldinov and others.

   The participants: veterans of the Great Patriotic war, fliers, public figures, figures of science and culture, mass-media and also the relations of T.Y.Begeldinov and others.  



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