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   There in the reading hall of the Arts’ department is organized the book exhibition named “Shuagyn tokken ornekter” dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of the Kazakh state academic philharmonic society after Zhambyl.

   The Kazakh philharmonic society after Zhambyl was organized in 1935. The first artistic leader of the philharmonic society was Akhmet Zhubanov – the outstanding scholar and composer.Their own contribution into the development of the philharmonic society were made by E.Brusilovski, A.Zatayevich, D.Nurpeyisova, Zh.Kalambayev, Zh.Elebekov, K.Babakov, Sh.Zhiyenkulova and others.
   Beginning from 1938 this organization is named after the well-known Kazakh akyn Zhambyl Zhabayev. There in the Kazakh state philharmonic society at a high professional level are performed the best specimens of the classical and modern musical creative activity, the rich heritage of folk music.
   In the 1970-80-ss there on the stage of the Kazakh philharmonic society performed Zh.Aubakirova, A.Musakhodzhayeva, G.Myrzabekova, G.Moldakarimova and others.

   Today in its composition enter the following:
•The State academic symphonic orchestra of Kazakhstan,
•The Kazakh state academic orchestra of folk instruments after Kurmangazy,
•The choir chapel after B.Baikadamov,
•The state wind orchestra,
•The folklore-ethnographic academic orchestra “Otyrar sazy”,
•The chamber orchestra named “The academy of soloists”,
•The state string quartet after G.Zhubanova,
•The quintet of wooden wind instruments,
•The Kazakh state academic ensemble of singing and dance.
   Today there in the concert seasons of the Kazakh state philharmonic society after Zhambyl participate the renowned musicians, the best musical collectives from Kazakhstan, Russia, Europe and Asia. In its concert-halls there take place the international festivals and competitions.
   Special attention the philharmonic society pays to Kazakh folk music. The halls full of the public who come annually to the international festivals of traditional music and their quick reaction prove its necessity for the modern listener. The philharmonic society always participates in the all-city holidays – the Day of thye city,
the Day of independence of the Republic, the Victory Day, in large-scalechildren’s activities and of course also carries out charity work.
   There at the exhibition is presented the literature and periodical editions, grammophone records, electronic editions about the history and development of the Kazakh state academic philharmonic society after Zhambyl out of the fonds of the National library of the RK.

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