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   On August 25, 2015 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibitions hall took place the opening of the book-illustrativeexhibition named “20 years – to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dedicated to the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and also the meeting with the academician, doctor of science (law) S.S.Sartayev.

   The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the main law of the country reflects the will of the people of Kazakhstan, their striving to the assertion of the country as a democratic, secular, legal and social state, the highest values of which are man, his life, rights and freedoms. The main thing that the Cosntitution gave to the people of Kazakhstan is the right of choice.

   Sultan Sartayevich Sartayev was born on October 15, 1927 in the village Zhanakorgan of the Kyzylorda region. He graduated from the Almaty state juridical institute in 1949.
   In 1949-52 he is the post-graduate student at the Moscow state juridical institute. In 1952-1955 he is the seniorteacher, assistant-professor, head of the cvhair of state law at the Almaty state juridical institute, in 1955 head of the chair, the dean of the juridical faculty at the Kazakh state university (today the Kazakh national university), from 1997 rector of the Kazakh institute of law studies and international relations.
   He is the President of the Union of lawyers of Kazakhstan. The main trendsof his scientific researches: the problems of the dtate and law in Kazakhstan.
   Sultan Sartayev was one of the founders and creators of the Constitution of sovereign Kazakhstan and constitutional legislation.

   The activity was opened by First Deputy Director-General of the National library of the RK B.K.Ospanova.
   There at the exhibition are presented approximately 100 editions from the fond of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
   The exhibition presents literature on the history of the state and law, the establishment of the legal system and the policy in the adoption of laws in the Kazakh state, the collection of laws “Zhety zhargy” during the rule of Tauke-khan.
   Widely are presented the editions publiched within the framework of the State programme named as “Cultural heritage”, among them the collection of documents and materials “Kazaktyn ata zandary”.

   The Constitution of Kazakhstan is presented in the Kazakh,Russian, English, Uzbek, Uigur and other languages.
   The participants: public figures, readers of the library, mass-media representatives.




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