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   There in the reading-hall of the Arts’ department is organized the book exhibition named “Bi halyk onerinen tuyndaidy” dedicated to the 60-th anniversary of the State dance ensemble of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Saltanat”.

   The state honored dance ensemble of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Saltanat” was created in 1955. The conception of the ensemble were stipulated by the requirements to the participants of the collective who had to not only be able to dance but also be the messengers of peace, friendship and unity of the peoples.
   From the very first years of existence of the collective it catively participates with its programme in different festivals and competitions. It becomes the winner of the All-union festival and the laureate of the World festival of youth and students in Moscow city. In 1967 for the great merits in the development of the musical, vocal and choreographic art and the high performing mastery there by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR the ensemble was awarded the honored title of “The honored one”.
   In 1989 there by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR the ensemble of songs and dance of the KazSSR was transformed into the State dance ensemble of the RK “Saltanat”. The artistic component of the ensemble was headed in 1969-1976 by A.Shanin, beginning from 1976 R.Amirina.
   There in the repertoireof the ensemble are the musical-choreographic staged pieces of the popular games and legends (“Djigits”, “Kyz kuu” and others), the kyus of the people’s composers Tattimbet (“Sylkyldak”) and Dauletkerei (“Kudasha”) and other musical works. In 1976 the collective of the ensemble participated in the International folklore festival in France, in 1982 in Germany.
From 1996 the artistic leader and the chief ballet-master of the ensemble becomes the pupil of Shara Zhiyenkulova, the honored figure of arts of the RK G.Orumbayeva, the master in the burnishing of the technics in the Kazakh classical dance. The ensemble “Saltanat” performs concerts in all the corners of Kazakhstan, and also in the USA, France, England, Bulgaria, Italy, Turkey, China, Russia and other countries. 
   The winner of the World festival of dances in Pusan (South Korea, 1998). There in the collective work: B.Bektayev, T.Potapova, E.Darmenova, A.Omarova, M.Melnik, A.Nurbabanova, A.Esekeyev, the honored figure of culture of Kazakhstan S.Bapov, the honored figure of arts of Kazakhstan N.Nozhkin.
Formed in the best popular traditions through the efforts of the dancer Shara Zhiyenkulova, the ensemble “Saltanat” became the prominent successor of the Kazakh dance.
   Today at the modern stage of its creative development the ensemble “Saltanat” has in its repertoire more than 130 numbers, which include the multi-colored pallette of dances of the peoples of Kazakhstan and all the variety of choreographic culture of the peoples of the world.
   The creative activity of the ensemble “Saltanat” and the individual mastery of the artistes, of the leading workers and the servicing personnel were marked many times by the government awards and also the awards of the Ministry of culture and informatioon of the RK.

   There at the exhibition are presented the materials about the creative activity of the State dance ensemble of the RK “Saltanat” from the fond of the book and periodical editions of the National library of the RK.

   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

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