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   There in the foyer of the National library is presented the book-illustrative exhibition named “Kazak khandygyna – 550 zhyl”.

   This year Kazakhstan is celebrating the 550-th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate.The purpose of the exhibition is the propagation of the names and works of the prominent historical personalities who made a historical contribution into the development and prosperity of our country.
   There at the exhibition out from the fond of the library and also the fond of rare books and manuscripts are presented more than 3000 editions in the Kasakh, Russian and foreign languages. The book exhibition consists of 6 sections.
   The first section named “Uly Dala memlekettery” is dedicated to the ancient states of the Saks, Sarmats, Hunns, Uisuns, Kanlys and others;
   In the section “Tarikhi zertteuler” there are presented the works of the prominent historians and researcherssuch as M.Kh.Dulati, Sh.Ualikhanov, V.Bartold, L.Gumilev, M.Koigeldiyev and others;
   In the section “Kazak khandygy” there are materials about the creation of the Kazakh khanate and the khans;
   In the section “Adebiyet zhane tarikh” there are presented editions published by the state programmes, among which there are “Babalar sozy” in 100 volumes, “Batyrlar zhyry”, and also the works of the well-known writers I.Esenberlin “The nomads”, “Altyn Orda”, A.Kekilbayev “Urker”, K.Zhumadilov “Daraboz”, S.Smatayev “Elim-ai” and others;
   The section “Tauyelsyz bastauy – Zheltoksan” is dedicated to the December events of 1986. Here are presented the books by: K.Tabeyev “Kazaktyn Zheltoksany”, B.Tolepbergen “Kasiyettym - Zheltoksan”, M.Kozybayev “1986 zheltoksan…dakpyrt zhane shyndyk” and others; 
   The section “Zhasai ber, Tauyelsyz Kazakstan” is dedicated to sovereign Kazakhstan. Here is presented literature on the history of establishment and development of our state. Among the documents – the works, addresses, reports of the President, encyclopaedias, albums and books.

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