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   There in the Exhibitions’ hall is organized the book-illustrative exhibition named “Ramizderimiz – ulttyk maktanysh” dedicated to the Day of State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   On June 4, 1992 there were for the first time approved the new state symbols of independent Kazakhstan. The Constitutional Law “About the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was approved on June 4, 2007 (the full text of the law). In accordance with this Law annually June 4 is celebrated as the Day of State symbols in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state symbols are one of the inalianable attributes of any state, embodying its identity and sovereignty.  There in the Republic of Kazakhstan the state symbols are the State Flag, the State Coat-of-Arms and the State Hymn.
   The state symbols are part of the political culture which makes a contribution into the spiritual development of the country, the culture and also into the development of the idea of independence.  The state symbols are directed upon servicing Motherland, humanism, the preservation of the history and traditions of the people. The veneration and knowledge of the history of the state symbols is the result of the right understanding of their importance, the improvement of the level of knowledge of the youth and their civil position.
   There at the exhibition are presented the encyclopaedic and reference editions, literature about the state symbolics.

   We invite everybody to the exhibition!

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