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   On June 5, 2015 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the presentation of the collective scientific monograph named “The Kazakh diaspore and repatriation. 1991-2012”.

   The organizers: the National library of the RK, the World association of the Kazakhs.
   The authors of the monograph are the candidate of science (history) Kulgazira Baltabayeva, First deputy chairman of the World association of the Kazakhs Talgat Mamashev, doctor of science (history) Zharas Ermekbai and candidate of science (philosophy) Aibala Baimagambetova.
   The scientific editor of the book is the academician, doctor of science (history), professor Sattar Mazhitov.
   The peer-reviewers of the monograph are the doctors of science (history), professors from Novosibirsk and Almaty Nataliya Ablazhei, Valeriy Demidov, Aizhan Kapayeva. The given monograph is the result of the completion of the scientific researches for the summarization and analysis of the history of development of the Kazakh diaspore and their emigration to the historical Motherland.
   The process of returning of the Kazakhs from abroad is a socially significant priotiry of the state and Kazakhstani society during the period of establishment of independence in Kazakhstan.
   Today there live in 43 countries of the world approximately 4,5 mln. Kazakhs.
   The Kazakhs-repatriants today constitute 10% of the whole Kazakh population of the republic.
   The book is written with the purpose to acquaint the public with the history of returning, adaptation and integration of the Kazakh-repatriants to the historical Motherland during the years of independence.
   From 1991 up to January 1, 2015 there returned to Kazakhstan and received the status of the oralman 259 159 families or 952 882 Kazakhs.
   Most of the oralmans came from Uzbekistan (61,5%). 14,3% are from China, 9,3% - from Mongolia, 6,8% - from Turkmenistan, 4,6% - from Russia and 3,5% - from other countries.
   The returning of the Kazakhsto Kazakhstan together with the natural growth was conducive to the augmentation of the number of the Kazakhs and their total percentage. As is known in its time there was stopped the quota for immigration.
   But nevertheless in 1912 there moved to Kazakhstan 39 00 ethnical Kazakhs from abroad.
   This is by 3000 people more than in 2010 when there was in force the governmental quota for immigration.
   If in 2013 Kazakhstan received from the far and near foreign countries 15 338 Kazakh families in the number of 33 952 peopole, then by 2014 these indices lessened by four times.
   The book consists of 10 chapters and is designed for those who are interested in the problems of the history of the Kazakh diaspore, repatriation, migrational policy, demography and diaspore-studies on the whole.
The monograph is scientific in character, has the geographical, subject and name indices, the list of abbreviations and also colour illustrations.
   The activity was opened by Director-General of the National library of the RK, winner of the State prize, honored figure of the RK, writer Alibek Askar.
   The moderator was first deputy of the chairman of the World association of the Kazakhs Talgat Asylovich Mamashev.
  There at the activity spoke: S.Mazhitov, K.Alimgaziyev, N.Mukhamedkhanuly, A.Kudaibergenova, K.Sansyzbaiuly, D.Tynyshbayev, K.Ualikhan.

   The participants: well-known public figures, scientists, Kazakhs-immigrants, representatives of the Kazakh diaspore abroad, teachers of colleges and universities and students.



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