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   On June 9, 2015 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the presentation of the text-books by A.M.Dosymbayeva “Turkitanu. Tarikhi-arkheologiyalyk aspekt” and “Turkology.The historical-archeological aspect”.

   This text-book edition is prepared by the author, doctor of science (history), professor at the chair of Turkic studies at the faculty of international relations of the Eurasian national university after L.N.Gumilev Dosymbayeva Aiman Medeubayevna on the basis of the elaborated and read lectures by the themes: «Turkology. The historical-aecheological aspect”, “The development of the monuments of written literature of the Turkic peoples” and “The spiritual culture of the Kazakh people”.
   The edition includes 15 lectures; a glossary; the Plans of the seminar/practical studies; Assignments for independent work and the methodological recommendadtions for their execution; the Questions and assignments for the control of theoretical knowledge and the methodological recommendations for the organization of self-control and the List of recommended literature.
   For all the lectures there are appended the graphical and photographic illutsrations, maps, schemes, tables elaborated by the author on the basis of the complex studying of the cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Eurasia.
   A.M.Dosymbayeva is the author of 7 monographs, head of the international project “The Turkic geopolitical phenomenon: the sources and continuity”, the result of which was the publication of the fundamental scientific work named : “The Atlas. The Western Turkic kaganat” and also of the project now in force “The state of the Oguzes and Desht-i Kypchak”. The scientist published in Kazakhstan and abroad more than 100 scientific articles in the Kazakh, Russian, Turkish, Italian and English languages.

   The moderator was doctor of science (history), professor Mambet Kulzhabayevich Koigeldiyev.
   There at the activity spoke: S.Khizmetli, A.Nauryzbayeva, B.Kalshabayeva, K.Tarlanbayeva, Zh.Abdikerimova.

   There within the framjework of the presentation the new edition was donated to the library and the journalists. The author signed the books and gave them to the participants.

   The participants: the Institute of history after Sh.Sh.Ualikhanov, the Institute of archeology after A.Kh.Margulan, the Institute of Oriental studies after R.B.Suleimenov, the Kazakh national university after Al-Farabi, the Kazakh national pedagogical university after Abai, the Kazakh-Turkish university of foreign languages and business career.


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