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   On June 16, 2015 at 10:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the international scientific-theoretical conference “The phenomenon of the Kazakh khanate: the history and the heritage” dedicated to the 550-th anniversary from the date of foundation of the Kazakh khanate.

   The organizers: the Academy “Kainar” together with the Institute of philosophy, political studies and religion-studies.
   We gained independence in the hard times, went through many hardships and this is why we must not forget about this achievement of ours.
   The Head of State N.A.Nazarbayev pointed out that the celebration of the 550-th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate is a great event for the people of Kazakhstan.
   We, the Kazakhstanis, must pay more attention ro the studying of the history of the establishment and development of our statehood and of course must actively involve into this research and cognitive process the younger generation.
   By studying our history, through remembering and cherishing the memory about the feats and deeds of our forefathers who defended our land, our country, culture and spiritual legacy, the new generation of the Kazakhstanis will feel sure about their future.
   The foreign and domestic scientists who participated in the conference told the audience about the key moments in the history of the establishment of the Kazakh khanate, about the wise rule of the great khans of the Kazakh steppe, the traditions and culture of that epoch, the rise and fall of many steppe civilizations.
   The participants of the conference discussed the key theoretical and methodological problems in the establishment of the Kazakh statehood and the way covered by the Kazakh khanate, through the understanding of the parallels of the history of the Kazakh people and the peoples of the neighbouring states and the far foreign countries on the way to independence.
   During the conference the leading historians, philosophers, political experts and economists of the country made reports on the topical historical problems.
   They narrated about the pre-conditions and ethnical-political grounds which were conducive to the formation of the Kazakh khanate, the interrelations between the Kazakh khanate and the neighbouring states, the historical-methodological problems of the appearance, development and decline of the Kazakh khanate after the Mongol invasion.
   There to the attention of the participants and guests of the conference was presented the report “The Kazakh khanate and independent Kazakhstan: the historical continuity and the modern problems of statehood”.
   The activity was opened by Director-General of the National library of the RK, winner of the State prize, honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, writer Alibek Askar.
   The moderator of the conference was the academician of the National academy of sciences of the RK, doctor of science (philosophy), professor A.N.Nysanbayev.

   There made reports: U.Kh.Shalekenov,K.A.Kurmanaliyev, S.E.Nurmuratov, E.S.Omarov, Kh.M.Abzhanov, K.B.Zharykbayev, B.R.Karimov, T.B.Akerov, B.M.Satershinov, K.Sh.Khafizova, S.Uteniyazov, G.K.Kadirkulova and others.

   The participants: the well-known public figures, scientists, heads of colleges and universities, workers of the library, mass-media.





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