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   There in the reading hall of the Service of world literature is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 75-th birthday of the well-known Russian poet Yosif Alexandrovich Brodski.

   Brodski Yosif Alexandrovich (1940-1096) is the prominent Russian poet, essayist, dramaturg, translator, winner of the Nobel prize in literature in 1987, the poet-laureate of the USA in 1991-1992.
   The first poetical experiences of Y.Brodski pertain to 1957. At the beginning of the 60-s he begins to work as the poet-translator. At this very time he becomes acquainted with A.A.Akhmatova who highly appreciated his talent. His verses appeared in the self-published journal “Syntaxis” (1959-1960).
   On February 12, 1964 he was arrested and convicted by the people’s court in Leningrad as being an idler for a five-year deportation to the Arkhangelsk region.
   In the summer of 1972 Brodski was forced to emigrate to the USA. He taught in the Michigan university. In 1980 he received American citizenship.
   In 1987 he was awarded the Noble prise in literature. In 1992 he became the Poet-Laureate of the USA. In his creative activity Brodski touches upon the most important problems of human life. The dominant themes in the poetical world of Y.Brodski are time, space and loneliness that elucidate the special individual world perception of the poet.
   Striving for bi-linguistics, Yosif Brodski also wrote in English essays, literary critics, verses.
Brodski managed to widen the possibilities of the Russian poetical language. The artistic world of the poet is universal. There in his stylistics one can feel the influence of barocco, neoclassisism, akmeism, the English metaphysical poetry, underground, post-modernism.
The very existence of this personality became the embodiment of intellectual and moral opposition to lies and cultural degradation.
   Also the theme of St.-Petersburg becomes the emotional dominant in many poetical, prosaic and dramatical works of Brodski.
   There in the West came out eight books of verses of Brodski in the Russian language: “The verses and poems” (1965), “The stop in the desert” (1970), “In England” (1977), “The end of the beautiful epoch” (1977), “Part of the speech” (1977), “The Roman elegies” (1982), “The new stances for Augusta” (1983), “Urania” (1987); the drama “Marble” (in the Russian language, 1984). Brodski received wide recognition in the scientific and literary circles of the USA and Great Britain, he was awarded by the Order of the Honorary legion in France, and also was the winner of the Oxford prize Honori Causa.
   Yosif Brodski died in the night of January 28, 1996 in New-York.

   There at the book exhibition out of the fond of the National library are presented the works of Y.A.Brodski and the literature about his life and creative activity.

   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!

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