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   On September 10, 2015 at 11:00 hours there at the Exhibitions’ hall began its work the discussion club “Paryz” which was formed in Almaty city from the representatives of the national intelligentsia by the assignment of the Committee for the development of languages and public-political work of the Ministry of culture and sport of the RK.

   The main purpose of the discussion club “Paryz” is the proposition of concrete initiatives in the sphere of strengthening the Kazakhstani community by the responsible organs by using the creative intelligentsia and the intellectual potential of the writers’ community.
   There within the framework of the general theme “Mangilik El – the precious heritage” will be discussed the topical issues of statehood, national values, the interests of the people, native language, religion and mentality.
   There will also be proposed the short and short-term ways for their solution. The exit sessions of the discussion club will continue in the Aktyubinsk, Kyzylorda, Western-Kazakhstani, Northern-Kazakhstani and Eastern-Kazakhstani regions.
   The strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, the New Economic Policy “Nurly Zhol”, the national plan “100 conrete steps”, the obligations for the entry within the ranks of 30 developed countries – all this is a mutually intertwined and systematized step on the way for the establishment of “Mangilik El”.
   This is a truly historical step from the point of view of the state and society, its influence upon the future and assistance in the life of each person.
   The main “public capital” disclosing the ways to the effective use of the historical possibility is the trust of the people towards the Head of state, the unity and patriotism of the people.
   That is why “Mangilik El” will become the historical mission of the present generation and their responsibility before the future.

   The activity was opened by the chairman of the public association “Altyn Kazyna”, honored figure of Kazakhstan Makhmud Toikenov.
   The reports were made by: philosopher and publicist A.Bakiruly, public figure, political studies’ expert, deputy chairman of the club D.Koshim. A.Amantai, Kh.Gabzhalilov, D.Yskak, R.Zhumaly and others exchanged opinions.
   The participants: intelligentsia, public figures, mass-media representatives.



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