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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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   There in the reading hall of “Kazakstan kitaptary” service at the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city is organized a book exhibition dedicated to the Day of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan.

   Annually in September there is celebrated the Day of the languages which became a common holiday for the whole people of Kazakhstan.
   The uniting idea of the holiday is the understaing of ultimate value of each language and each culture and also the understanding that each language is a precious contribution into the world civilization.
   The Kazakh language is the state language common for all Kazakhstanis. It is the main factor of national unity. The knowledge of the state language is the duty of each citizen of our country.
   There in the educational establishments of the country is inculcated the teaching process in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
   One of the main factors for the preservation of the interethnical relations on the basis of mutual respect and for the creation of the culture of all the ethnoses populating our country is the lingual policy of the state.
   There in Kazakhstan live more than 130 peoples and the language of each of the peoples is unique. The interest towards one’s mother tongue and the striving towards the perfect level for its mastering in its written and oral form always characterizes cultural man.
   Today there in the Kazakhstani schools are studied along with the Kazakh language more than 10 national languages of the peoples who live in Kazakhstan.
   This gives the possibility for all the representatives of all the nationalities to come into touch with their native culture, history by receiving the knowledge in their native language.
   Each ethnos has their language, rites and traditions. And for each representative of the poly-ethnical variety it is highly important to preserve them.
   The uniqueness of our country is also in that here the most varied cultural elements have united and mutually complement each other.
   A bright confirmation of this is the active participation of the public in the celebration of the Day of the languages of Kazakhstan.
  There at the book exhibition are presented the materials which consider the processes of lingual interaction of the people of Kazakhstan, the manuals for the studying of the languages, the reference materials, dictionaries etc.

   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

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