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   On September 16, 2015 there in the Great hall took place the memory evening dedicated to the creative activity of the prominent Kazakh poet of Kazakhstan Kairat Zhumagaliyev.

   The activity was held within the farmework of the Club “Inzhu-Marzhan” operating at the Arts’ department of the National library of the RK and with the support of the public foundation “Kadyr Myrza Ali”.
   Zhumagaliyev Kairat was born in 1937 in the place Beskudyk of the Zhiekkumsk rural council (now the rural district Beisen) of the Urdinsk district (now the Bokeiordinsk district) of the Western-Kazakhstani region.
   In 1959 after graduating from the faculty of philology of the Kazakh state university he began his labour activity from the post of junior editor at “Zhazushy” publishing house. He worked in this collective for many years and attained the post of deputy chief editor.
   In 1985-1992 he worked at Kazakh television at the post of senior editor and chief editor.
In 1993-1996 he was head of the sector at the translation-editing department at the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, after that the councilor. K.Zhumagaliyev from his young years was known as the author of wonderful narrations in verses.
The book “The first” saw the light in 1964 at “Zhazushy” publishing house.
   After that the readers became acquainted with his collections of verses “Zhanar”, “Perzent yuny”, “Zhenisbai”, “Ainamkoz”, “Sahara”, “Shapagat”, “Atatau”, “Parasat”, “Kubazhon”, “Akmaral”, “Kim koripty mundaidy” and also with the selected collection named “Saske”.
His four books were translated into the Russian language and the collections “The steppe road” and “Virginity” were published at the publishing house “Soviet writer” in Moscow.
   His separate works were translated into the English, French, Arabic, German, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Polish, Bulgarian languages. K.Zhumagalieyv was a skillful translator.
   He translated into the native language “Iliad” by Homer, “Medea” by Euripides, the tragedies “The beauties of Troja”, “Helen”, the works of the classics of world literature.
   He also translated into the Kazakh language the bovel by A.Dumas “Count Monte-Cristo” (together with A.Zhumabayev), the novel of the Mongol writer L.Tudeva “The mountain stream”, the works of the French poet Beranger, some chapters from the Kyrgyz epos “Manas”. Zhumagaliyev Kairat is the author of many well-known Kazakh songs.
   For his outstanding works K.Zhumagaliyev was announced as the winner of the magazine “The young guard” and the newspaper “Kazak adebiyety”.
   There in the memory evening participated the figures of culture and art, the State orchestra of folk instruments after Kurmangazy, the people’s artists of Kazakhstan N.Nusupzhanov, E.Khasangaliyev, the honored artiste of the RK M.Omarov, the relations of the poet, the students from colleges and universities and others.
   The moderator at the evening was the honored artiste of Kazakhstan Gulnara Daukenova.



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