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   On October 15, 2015 at 10:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the International scientific conference “Mustafa Shokai: politician and scientist”, organized by the Institute of Oriental studies after R.B.Suleimenov of the Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   Mustafa Shokai (1890-1941) – the state and public figure of his epoch, one of the prominent leaders of the Alash movement, scientist-historian, publicist. The whole of his activity was directed to fight for the independence and freedom of Kazakhstan, the peoples of the Caucuses and Central Asia. In his multiple public speeches in the cities of Europe (Paris, London, Berlin, Warsaw, Geneva and others) and also in the works published in the European and Oriental languages (Russian, English, French, Polish, Chagatai) M.Shokai informed the world community about the lawful and just character of the fight of the Kazakh people against the totalitarian regime.
   The popularization of the heritage of Mustafa Shokai must be used in the cause of upbringing the growing generation and for the strengthening of the feeling of love towards their Motherland.
   The carrying out of the international conference dedicated to the 125-th birthday of Mustafa Shokai and other solemn jubilee festivities at the state level in 2015 is conducive to the strengthening of the spirit of patriotism and the heightening of the image of Kazakhstan in the international community.
   The purpose of the conference is to acquaint one with the achievements of Shokai-studies in different scientific centres of the world and the introduction into the wide scientific circulation and the popularization of the works of M.Shokai.
   There at the conference were raised the following issues:
-The social-economic and political views of M.Shokai;
-The problems of studying the scientific heritage of M.Shokai;
-M.Shokai and his fight for the independent state development of Kazakhstan, the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucuses;
-The tactics and strategy of M.Shokai in the national-liberation movement of the Turkic-Moslem peoples;
-The ideas of M.Shokai about the foreign policy of future independent Kazakhstan;
-M.Shokai and the development of the history of the political thought of the Kazakh intelligentsia  at the beginning of the XX-th century;
-M.Shokai and the studying of the history, culture of the peoples of the Central-Asian region;
-The views of M.Shokai upon the international relations in the countries of Europe and Asia in the 20-30ss of the XX-th century.
   The conference was opened by the doctor of science (p[hilology), professor, director of the Institute of Oriental studies after R.B.Suleimenov A.Derbisali.
   There in the work of the conference participated the scientists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. There spoke: doctor of science (history), professor K.L.Esmagambetov, doctor of science (history), professor, head of depertament of the Institute of history of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan K.K.Radjabov, doctor of science (history), professor, chief scientific worker  of the Institute of Oriental studies after Z.M.Buniyatov of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan S.A.Rustamova Togidi, doctor of science (politics), professor of the Kazakh humanitarian juridical university A.K.Bakir and others.
   There within the framework of the conference were presented: “The full collection of works of M.Shokai” in 12 volumes; and also the bibliographical index “Mustafa Shokai” prepared by the National library of the RK.


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