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   There in the reading hall of “Kazakstan kitaptary” and the hall of periodical editions is organized the thematic exhibition “Tauelsizdik – tendigym, egemendyk - eldigym” dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
   The Day of Independence of Kazakhstan is the main national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The consitutional law “On the state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was approved of December 16, 1991 at the VII-th session of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.
   Kazakhstan has a historically established territory, within the limita of which it implements its activity and within the limits of the modern boundaries is single, indivisible and immune. On June 4, 1992 there were approved the state flag, coat-of-arms and the hymn of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
   There by the Decree of the President of the RK N.A.Nazarbayev dated September 15, 1995 Astana city became the capital of Kazakhstan (previously - Akmola). Today Astana is the symbol of independence, the city with the uniting idea, the epicentre of the economic, cultural and political life of the state.
   During the years of independence there in Kazxakhstan was created the new state which has  its own institutes of power and it is an influential member of the world community, where there are guaranteed its security and independence.
A huge amount of work was carried out rowards the growth of national conscoiusness, the respect of the rich historical and national traditions and acquiantance of the whole world with the traditions of the Kazakh people.
Today Kazakhstan is a multinational country, where there live in peace and harmony more than 130 nationalities and ethnoses.
   On the Day of Independence the Kazakhstanis do not work on December 16 and 17. In accordance with the traditions on this holiday day there in many cities of the country are held different cultural-mass activities and concerts.

   There at the exhibition are presented the books, magazines, newspapers and other materials from the fond of the National library of the RK about the history of establishment of a new sovereign state and great achievements of the republic during the years of independence.


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