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   There in the reading hall «Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition “Anyz adam – akikat tulga” dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the well-known literary expert, writer, dramaturgist and Abai-studies specialist Kaiym Mukhamedkhanov.
   Mukhamedkhanov Kaiym was born on January 5, 1916 in Semipalatinsk city. In 1924 he entered the Kazakh school. After that there followed the shool for the Kolkhoz youth, the agricultural technical school and the teachers’ institute.
In 1940 after graduating with honors from the Semipalatinsk pedagogical institute after N.K.Krupskaya (today the state university after Shakarim), he works as a teacher in this very institute.
   Kaiym Mukhamedkhanov is a prominent scientist, the founder of scientific Abai-studies, expert on texts, the compatriot of Mukhtar Auezov. Already in the student years he showed his extraordinary literary talent.
His first verses and srticles are published in the wall-papers and on the pages of the regional newspapers “Ekpindy” and “Priirtyshskaya pravda” (now “Semei tany” and “Irtysh”).
He is the author of the plays “Tolkyn” (1944), “Maidannan - maidanga” (1947), “The commissar Gabbasov” (1960), “Er Bilisai” (1973), he translated into the Kazakh language the comedy of the Azerbaijan dramaturgist U.Gadzhibekov “Arshin mal alan” (1941), the short novel by M.Karamzin “Poor Liza” (1954), the interpretation in verses of the Oriental legend “Aron-Rashid and the dogs” (1966), of the work by the Tartar writer Sh.Kamal “Khodzha Afendi gets married” (1967) and more than thirty verses of T.Shevchenko, G.Tukai and other authors. K.Mukhamedkhanov is the author of the text of the first State hymnof the Kazakh SSR of 1945.
   From the early age K.Mukhamedkhanov was engaged in literary regional-studies, the collection of ethnographical materials, the evanescent manuscripts and books. He actively participated in the organization and opening of the first literary-memorial museum of Abai in the country. Among the largest worksare the monographs: “About the textology of Abai”, “The creative activity of the poets from among Abai’s surrounding”, “Some historical data about Abai”, “The poet Magavia Ibragimovich Kunanbayev” and others.
Under the leadership of acasemician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR M.O.Auezov he defended the candidate dissertationby the theme “The poets of the Avai epoch” (1959).
   K.Mukhamedkhanov made a considerable contribution into the revival of the magazine “Abai” (1992) published from 1918 by M.Auezov and Zh.Aimauytov, in the creation of the jubilee academic two-volume collection of Abai’z works and the ecyclopaedia “Abai” (1995).
   K.Mukhamedkhanov is the winner of the gold medal of the International academy of Abai (1995), the winner of the State prize of the RK (1996), the first laureate of the International prize of Abai of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan (1996), the first laureate of the International literary prize “Alash” of the Writers’ Union of the RK (1996). He is awarded with medals (1946, 1982).

   There at the book exhibition are presented the materials from the fond of the National library of the RK about the life and activity of the scientist, his scientific works, monographs and articles upob the pages of the periodical press and recollections about him.
   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!


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